Portsmouth West Football 2014
- local superstar
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
You are hilarious! Are you really saying you think that the school/coaches are having your posts removed. Do you really think they give 2 squirts what you say or think. As for close practices and weights it should be any coaches choice to have open or closed practices. And if you are so concerned with the process of how they are picking the coaches go to a BOE meeting and voice your concerns there.local superstar wrote:Sorry jokesters I aint going now where!KoolKoach I forget I do know someone on here.you and your terrible and legendary announceing out there in the wild wild West. You can hate on me all you want dont care a nanosecond. Everybody trolls and if you say you dont you are on drugs. 8) Treebeard if the shoe fits man :122246
West community isnt like Russia but the silence on who the coaches are, taking posts off here, closed practices, closed weights, how the process is to pick coaches and all that is top secret. We arent allowed to make fun of that either? I hope the staff and team are successful and will come to a couple of West games this year. Cant wait for some football. Kiss it.
- local superstar
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
If I am hilarious what that make you noles? Want a little cheese with that WHINE? Everybody just wonders if there ARE any coaches besides 2, and some have friends or family who applied. Not me but you see the SUSPENSE IS BUILDING the longer NO ONE KNOWS!! :122245 :122245 Right I really think the school is having my posts removed! No I think folks like you are having my posts removed.
Wait I need to put alot of smilies for self esteem!~ :122246 :122245 :12224 :12223
8) 8)

Wait I need to put alot of smilies for self esteem!~ :122246 :122245 :12224 :12223

Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
Community isn't concerned with the coaching situation. Fans and players I talk to are very optimistic. Boys are working hard. It will be fine.
Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
There are some of us interested in who is coaching not in a bad way just want to know. Summer is here and football is around the corner.
- local superstar
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
Your community doesn't care who the coaches are??????? That is a first! Good to hear the players are working hard. Crazy that you get so defensive so easy over folks asking who the coaching staff consists of
Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
No one is upset that people want to know who the coaching staff is. People get upset when posters make accusations that there is some kind of conspiracy going on.
Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
Well, we can wave goodbye to this thread.
At least we made it this long
At least we made it this long
- Varsity
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
Funny stuff right there and we still don't know who coaches! We know who announces though!!!
- local superstar
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
And we don't care because we have faith in the head coach to do his job. He will get good help.dreamweaver wrote:Funny stuff right there and we still don't know who coaches! We know who announces though!!!
JR does an awesome job at all levels announcing, umpiring, coaching, etc. He is well liked and respected in the community. Maybe if some others would focus on the positive sometimes like he does instead of the negative all the time maybe we can get this program where it needs to be. But then again people with agendas that aren't fans don't care about that.
Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
The person that you say is positive all the time was one of Tripletts biggest critics .
It doesn't matter who the coaches are, I believe the young men at West will rise to the challenge. They are tough kids and will work hard to achieve their goals no matter who is coaching.
It doesn't matter who the coaches are, I believe the young men at West will rise to the challenge. They are tough kids and will work hard to achieve their goals no matter who is coaching.
Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
After reading this I was wondering how it got this far!sider wrote:Well, we can wave goodbye to this thread.
At least we made it this long

Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
Now that I'm no longer coaching at Clay, maybe I will apply! Just kidding, I am eager to see who is coaching at West though. I plan on getting my old season tickets back this year and enjoying some Senator Football!
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- Varsity
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
I would love to knowdreamweaver wrote:You don't wanna know better not asking.
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Portsmouth West Football 2014
Has anyone heard who the new Assistant Coaches are at this time. I know I have asked several times but I do have a dog in the fight. The person I am talking about has heard nothing at this time.