Thanks, wipala.wipala wrote:WOW!! I am way out here in Arizona and even I can read between the lines...I agree....the HEAD COACH is the one in charge whether he is the one that is actually making a particular offense or defense call...IF he does not like the call HE has the power to change it....PERIOD...
Clifford had a long run at PHS and now it is time for change,,not just for the sake of change but for the sake of
the football program at PHS...Only time will tell us if the right decison will be made...however,,,I sure hope the Bored of
Education takes the time to think this thru and get the best for the team and the school..not just another clone...and yes the Bored was spelled this way on purpose...Keep after them Kentuck... :12223
I am glad that somebody in this world understands the role of a head football coach.