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Post by 4sporterEHS »

Noreply, I would give Warren the 3200, and 800 1st place score as well if I was you.

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Post by runhallerun »

4sporter - no - noreply is right on those - Wieferich from Marietta is the favorite in the 2 mile, and Carter from Ironton is the favorite in the 800.

Warren will be happy to pull 14 points from both of those races.

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Post by 4sporterEHS »

Yeah, I know they are the favorites. BUT, I dont see Cantley losing in the 800, he's not one to let someone beat him. AND Warren has not doubled up in the past with a guy running the 1600 and 3200 but if they do this year, they could put Nick Wilson (or Cantley, but if he's gonna win the 1600 and 800 then he wouldnt run the 3200) in the 3200 and he would have a nice shot at beating out Wieferich.

My opinion only.

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Post by noreply66 »

Cantley --no way beat Carter in the 800--Carter has about three seconds on him. I even think Carter didn't run the 800 until the district.

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Post by blarge »

Cantley would have to be fresh (no 1600) to have any shot at beating Carter. I'd say Tyler is capable of an open 1:54. Carter was a no show last year anyway.
Wilson and Richards' 2nd and 3rd in the 3200 will out-point Marietta and Logan. Hypothetically, Cantley could beat Wieferich in the 3200 if we had enough solid 52-sec 400 guys to get him out of the 4x4.
Coach Riffey will not subject any athlete to that kind of demand just to win a meet, but Tyler is not just any athlete...He could do it. Cruise to a win in the 1600, settle for an easy 3rd behind Majoy in the 800, etc..

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Post by noreply66 »

They need to break up the 400/800/1600/3200----1st & 2nd day

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Post by runhallerun »

Carter beat Cantley head to head last year in the regional finals by 0.01 seconds after Cantley had finished winning the mile less than an hour earlier.

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Post by 4sporterEHS »

That last post confirms that Cantley can beat Carter in the 800. Cantley has got better since last year as well. Carter better have gotten better for him to win this year.

And Nick Wilson has got so much better since last year! He finished 7th in the State in XC. I say he will give Wieferich all he wants in the 3200 now.

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Post by Katie Krazy »

noreply66 this year the league is throwing out the triple jump... the new league members have decided to vote it out

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Post by noreply66 »

A big difference between Cantley and Carter is that Cantleys into it all year, where Carter just gets going come spring. Wonder what the boy would do if he worked at it all year?

I know thay have been talking about doing away with the 3J for a few years now and a couple of years I heard they did then turned around and had it come league time.

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Post by Katie Krazy »

at the leauge meet last year i was having a chat with Jim Robinson and i do believe that he said that they were voting it out for sure for the upcoming year...... i would say it is the best choice because they have aslo taken it out of the state meet as well

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Post by noreply66 »

It was hurting schools that were running thin on players.
Also this might be the oldest SEOAL record and it is held by Ironton.

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Post by Flatulence »

Triple was never a state event. A group is trying very hard to convince OHSAA that it would be a great addition.

Cantley will win a head to head race with Carter. Warren will be THE team to beat in the boys and Gallia in the girls.

Logan will have a tough time with training what with all the construction going on around the middle school. All the football "stuff" is stashed along the track at this time and I do not see any home meets. No discus pad as of yet----they may have to go out in the middle of a field and throw. The kids will have to face some adversity this spring which either makes them or breaks them.

Sprints will be controlled by Zanesville, Chillicothe, and Portsmouth.

Once again it looks like another great SEOAL league championship meet and IF Ironton shows up it may even be better.

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Post by 4sporterEHS »

Yep, Gallia girls have been the team to be the past few year as well in years to come. They just keep getting young talent and has some good ones in Jr. High now.

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Post by noreply66 »

Unless Chillicothe and Portsmouth have some new sprinters they won't be in the top six in the 100 meters or the 200 meters. In the 4x200 I can see Portsmouth making the top four and Chillicothe doing no better than 5th.In the 4x100 Chillicothe could take 2nd but I don't see Portsmouth in the top 6.

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Post by 5kdude »

4sporterEHS wrote:Noreply, I would give Warren the 3200, and 800 1st place score as well if I was you.

why give warren 1st in thouse two races for? i dont see warren win any of them. you cant just give a person the win

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Post by 4sporterEHS »

Its not literal, "give them the win". I was refering to the post that Noreply made, predicting the winners of the events of the SEOAL meet in 2008. I just stated my opinion that a Warren guy will win the 800 and has a ligitament shot at winning the 3200 as well. How can you say you cannot see Cantley winning the 800. Head to Head against Carter, he will beat him. How much trainng does Marc do in the off-season? Well, less then Cantley, thats for sure. And if Nick decides to run the 3200, and knowing that he just placed 7th at the State meet in Cross Country, I say he has a nice chance at beating Wieferich.

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Post by noreply66 »

The way Cantley takes Cross Counrty and track he could win whatever he is in.Looking at the way he trains I would have to say he has a great chance in beating Carter.

I might be wrong but I don't think Carter ran the 800 much last year until at the very end. He ran the 1600 mostly and IMO it just wasn't his race.
The 400,800,4x400 and the 4x800 would be his best.

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Post by 4sporterEHS »

I don't think Marc Carter ran the 1600 last year that much. If he did, then they were probably just training runs. I say that because he did not run the 1600 in districts, just the 800.

Marc Carter
Districts - 1st place, 800 2:00 (not same district as Cantley )
Regionals - 1st place, 800 1:56.73
State - 2nd place, 800 1:53

Tyler Cantley
Distictls - 1st place, 1600 4:20
...............1st place, 800 1:59 ( not same district as Carter )
Regional- 1st place, 1600 4:22
..............2nd place, 800 1:56.73
State- 3rd place, 1600 4:17
.........14th place, 800 2:01

Note that, in Regionals Cantley inly lost by .03 seconds to Carter. That was AFTER he ran and won the 1600. Then at State, Cantley ran a 4:17 mile! Even though Cantley did not do as well at State in the 800 as Carter, it is more impressive that Cantley does 2 events. Thats not even counting the 4x800 he went as a team in.

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Post by noreply66 »

Carters 1600 were not that great mostly in the 4:50 area.

I didn't see any times in the 400 but on the first day at Chillicothe he ran a 51.40 alone with Sundgren for the best prelim time. Due to the Prom he didn't come for the final day.

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