Kantucky's dog after finding all those deer head

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Post by kantuckyII »

Imagea calendar huh?

he could do that sultry sensual look for all the lady dogsImage

Imageor..that, don't bother me while I'm watching TV look...oh, see that orange ball there? that are supposed to be tough enough that even the most aggressive chewer can't bite one off? well, my poor dog had to pass one of those and he sure let me know that it wasn't any fun...he didn't have that toy after that anymore! I wouldn't have wished that on Biggdowgg!

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Post by ballparent »

I look at this picture and hear the voice of Isaac Hayes. 8)

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Post by biggdowgg »

or..that, don't bother me while I'm watching TV look...oh, see that orange ball there? that are supposed to be tough enough that even the most aggressive chewer can't bite one off? well, my poor dog had to pass one of those and he sure let me know that it wasn't any fun...he didn't have that toy after that anymore!
I wouldn't have wished that on Biggdowgg!

I would have rather seen you have to pass that then JEBB :shock:

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