Teacher shot at Notre Dame"update on Layne"

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Post by PointerFan02 »

I know this isn't what you think about as your "typical" school shooting .. it seems like it was more of a domestic situation, but as someone in education, it's just too close to home.

Prayers to those injured, and of course the students, faculty, and all involved.

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Post by mvlnewlex »

well, that piece of trash is in hell where he belongs.

prayers for Christi and Stephanie.
Last edited by mvlnewlex on Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by BlindWhiteHat »

If you've got the time, go to wsaz.com and read some of the comments readers have posted there about this situation. There is some really wild stuff on there.

My son attends the ND preschool but only goes Mon, Wed, Fri so he wasn't there today. Thank goodness for our family he wasn't there. Here's hoping all those involved are able to cope with what happened and get through it.

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Post by caglewis »

I was watching the Rachael Ray show on WOWK, Huntington, 10-11 AM this morning, and they kept breaking in with "Breaking News" flashes reporting on this Portsmouth school shooting.
Later, I happened to have my TV on WGN [Ch 13] when the "Noon News" came on at 1:00 PM. The lead story was about a "school shooting in Portsmouth, OH".
It took me a minute to remember that I was watching a Chicago station.
Then, as I always do, I turned on Cincinnati WLWT News at 5:00 PM; and once again, the lead story was the Portsmouth Notre Dame incident, and they had a reporter live at the scene.
Not exactly the way we would choose to have our area make national news!
The kids seemed to have acted very intelligently in a scary crisis situation to seek shelter quickly in the "cloak room".
Now here's a thought - only an "old" school building would even have a "cloak room" - not something in the floor plan of any recently-built school, is it? I had to explain to my 19-yr-old grandson what a "cloak room" was! But how fortunate it was for that building to have them - could the architect who designed that building even remotely have envisioned this particular use of a classroom "cloak room"???
My thoughts and well-wishes go to all those involved or connected to this morning's tragic events in Portsmouth.

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Post by Frank Reagan »

Boonedawg wrote:But a concealed carry might....not trying to de-rail the thread just something i was thinking while reading the thread.

In theory, I agree, but there are limitations to concealed carry permits and I believe a school is an area where a concealed gun is not permitted.

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Post by biggdowgg »

caglewis wrote:I was watching the Rachael Ray show on WOWK, Huntington, 10-11 AM this morning, and they kept breaking in with "Breaking News" flashes reporting on this Portsmouth school shooting.
Later, I happened to have my TV on WGN [Ch 13] when the "Noon News" came on at 1:00 PM. The lead story was about a "school shooting in Portsmouth, OH".
It took me a minute to remember that I was watching a Chicago station.
Then, as I always do, I turned on Cincinnati WLWT News at 5:00 PM; and once again, the lead story was the Portsmouth Notre Dame incident, and they had a reporter live at the scene.
Not exactly the way we would choose to have our area make national news!
The kids seemed to have acted very intelligently in a scary crisis situation to seek shelter quickly in the "cloak room".
Now here's a thought - only an "old" school building would even have a "cloak room" - not something in the floor plan of any recently-built school, is it? I had to explain to my 19-yr-old grandson what a "cloak room" was! But how fortunate it was for that building to have them - could the architect who designed that building even remotely have envisioned this particular use of a classroom "cloak room"???
My thoughts and well-wishes go to all those involved or connected to this morning's tragic events in Portsmouth.

hats off to the teachers and staff at NDE, it is very obvious they had a plan , and they had the kids taught well as to what to do in any situation !

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Post by ManitouDan »

thanks all, I can't fully describe the emotions . Still very shaken by the events of yesterday. I hope the kids are alot more resilient than the parents. very surreal. Still sinking in I believe. MD

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Post by biggdowgg »

Mrs. Layne, was stabbed 13 times in the chest,and once in the leg, then shot at 3 times..she blocked 2 of the shots with a podium<spell?..but one shot went through her cheek.

very very lucky to even be alive at this point

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Post by robycop3 »

Well, at least she can live easier with the knowledge that the $%#@+~ who attacked her whacked himself & will trouble her no more, and Scioto Co. with the fact that they don't hafta waste $200K on a trial.

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Post by The Flying Dutchman »

Blindwhitehat, Glad your son wasn't there. I thought about him and Gracie. Drew was scared to death, he wrote a note for his Mom while in the cloak room. A 3rd grader (or any kid) should not have to go through that. It's not Christian but i'm glad that SOB killed himself.

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Post by ItownHosscat »

ManitouDan wrote:thanks all, I can't fully describe the emotions . Still very shaken by the events of yesterday. I hope the kids are alot more resilient than the parents. very surreal. Still sinking in I believe. MD

I could see by the look on your face in the paper this morning.
Glad your daugher and all the kids weren't harmed.

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Post by mstangmom »

The Flying Dutchman wrote:Blindwhitehat, Glad your son wasn't there. I thought about him and Gracie. Drew was scared to death, he wrote a note for his Mom while in the cloak room. A 3rd grader (or any kid) should not have to go through that. It's not Christian but i'm glad that SOB killed himself.

That is heartbreaking to think that a kid thought to write his mother a note. I cannot even imagine what those children went through.

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Post by mvlnewlex »

that disgusting animal must have been full of rage.

13 times ?

how is she still alive. I pray she makes it.

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Post by mstangmom »

any word on how the teacher and her sister are doing?????????????

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Post by ballparent »

The other woman attacked was not Ms. Layne's sister. There were a lot of confusing accounts that first were reported but it seems it was a girl (22) that Mike Layne considered his girlfriend and felt had broken up with him.
My prayers are that both recover both physically and mentally after this ordeal and for the students involved. I can't imagine this being one of my grade school experiences.

Stabbing victims in stable condition
PDT Staff Writer
Friday, February 8, 2008 10:17 PM CST
Christi Layne, 53, the Notre Dame Elementary School teacher stabbed and shot by her husband, William Michael (Mike) Layne, 56, at the school Thursday morning, was in stable but guarded condition Friday at Cabell Huntington Hospital (W.Va.), according to relatives.

Relatives were keeping vigil at the hospital.

Also on hand at the hospital was Christi and Mike Layne's son, Eric Layne, a doctor from Columbus.

Relative David Piatt said the doctor was driving from Columbus to Portsmouth on Thursday afternoon, when he heard over the car radio his father was dead.

Mike Layne shot and killed himself sometime before 2 p.m. Thursday, in a building at the rear of his house on Argonne Road, where he had taken refuge from police.

Christi Layne underwent surgery to close her wounds Thursday afternoon at the hospital, according to relatives.

Piatt said she was stabbed 13 times in the chest and once in the leg.

"None of the wounds were to the heart and were not considered life-threatening, but one got an artery under her arm. She had lost a tremendous amount of blood," Piatt said.

Also, he said, a bullet glanced off her left cheekbone and damaged her ear.

Mike Layne entered his estranged wife's fifth-grade classroom, and Christi Layne saw he was brandishing a handgun, Piatt said.

"She told him, 'Don't do that here,' and moved a speaker's podium to a position between her and him," Piatt said. "At least three shots were fired before he attacked her with the knife."

The attack was witnessed by 17 students who were in the classroom, according to police.

Mike Layne's other stabbing victim in Thursday's tragic events, 22-year-old Stephanie Loop - whom Layne reportedly considered to be his girlfriend - remained at Grant Medical Center in Columbus.

A hospital spokeswoman only would verify Loop was alive. She would not give any further information, because the family had requested confidentiality.

Loop's cousin, Chrissy Shepherd, 24, said Loop's wounds were not considered life-threatening, but she, too, had lost a considerable amount of blood. She was stabbed once in the right chest and once behind the left shoulder, according to Shepherd.

She said she and Loop had parked Shepherd's car in an alleyway parking space behind Shepherd's house, at 1647 11th St. about 9 a.m. Thursday. When they got out of the car, a man Shepherd identified as Mike Layne "came out of nowhere" and began stabbing Loop.

They managed to get inside the house and lock the doors, Shepherd said. Mike Layne apparently then headed for the school, just four or five blocks away. He reportedly lost a loaded revolver and a cell phone in the area where he had stabbed Loop, police said.

Shepherd said she believed Layne attacked Loop in a fit of jealousy, thinking she had left him.

Shepherd had picked Loop up at Layne's house Wednesday night, after Loop called Shepherd's upstairs neighbor and asked him to tell Shepherd to come and get her.

G. SAM PIATT can be reached at (740) 353-3101, ext. 236

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Post by biggdowgg »

Wife filed restraining order

T.W. Allen - Daily Times Police officials surrounded William Michael Layne's house on Argonne Road on Thursday, after he shot and stabbed his wife, Notre Dame Elementary School teacher Christi Layne, in her fifth-grade classroom, and stabbed another victim, 22-year-old Stephanie Loop.
PDT Staff Writer
Friday, February 8, 2008 10:17 PM CST
"I'm afraid he'll hurt me or my son when he's mad," Christi Layne wrote in her petition in January, for a domestic violence civil protection order against her husband, the late William Michael (Mike) Layne.

They were separated, and she was filing for a divorce. Layne said in her petition he called her the day after Christmas at her Coles Boulevard home with threats against her and their son, Dr. Eric Layne, of Columbus.

The first call, a voicemail, came at 8:50 p.m. Dec. 26. "He told me to tell my (his) son Eric that he will see him in hell and it will be sooner than he thinks."

In the second call, 30 minutes later, in another voicemail, she wrote Mike Layne said, "...what I said for Eric goes for me, too."

"He said I better enjoy myself because it will be soon," she wrote.

Thursday morning, nearly seven weeks later, police say Layne entered Notre Dame Elementary School, where Christi Layne is a teacher, and - as her horrified fifth-grade students looked on - fired several shots at her with a pistol. One bullet glanced off her left cheek. The others missed. Layne then stabbed his estranged wife 14 times.

She remains in critical condition at Cabell Huntington Hospital in Huntington, W.Va.

The restraining order was issued Jan. 15, in Domestic Relations Court by Scioto County Judge David E. Spears.

The order was to remain in effect until April 1. The judge had scheduled a hearing for Feb. 20.

There also was a criminal charge pending against Layne for domestic threatening, said Rebecca Bennett, Christi Layne's attorney.

The protective order issued by Spears called for Mike Layne never to come within 100 feet of Christi Layne, and not to enter her residence or the school where she has taught for 19 years.

Bennett said as far as she knew, Mike Layne had not violated the protective order.

Not, that is, until Thursday.

G. SAM PIATT can be reached at (740) 353-3101, ext. 236.
Last edited by biggdowgg on Sun Feb 10, 2008 9:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by biggdowgg »

Principal thankful for assistance, support

T.W. Allen - Daily Times Shown is Notre Dame Elementary School, the site where Michael Layne shot and stabbed his wife, fifth-grade teacher Christi Layne, on Thursday morning.
PDT Staff Writer
Friday, February 8, 2008 10:17 PM CST
Kay Kern, principal at Notre Dame Elementary School, where Thursday's attack on a teacher by her estranged husband occurred, is reaching out to thank the community and the Portsmouth Police Department.

"They were here just within a minute," she said. "We had the plan in place, and they came in and took over the command post. The children were in such good lockdown, they were very secure. They (law enforcement) were fantastic."

Kern also issued a statement to the entire community, which she said expresses her appreciation for the united community support:

"As I sit here and try to piece together the beginning of next week for the students and staff of Notre Dame Elementary School, I am in complete amazement at the support, love and care this community has demonstrated for our school community.

"When the unthinkable happens, you depend on practiced drills, caring teachers and a community support system to kick into place.

"The community of Portsmouth has not missed a beat. From the police, to the medics, to community counselors and our fellow schools in the community, offers of support and services have filled our hearts and offered comfort to our souls.

"We are grateful for the continued recovery of our friend and fellow educator Christi Layne. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

"On behalf of the Notre Dame School community, words as simple as 'thank you' seem so small and insignificant.

"From the bottom of our hearts, know how much we have appreciated the outpouring from our community, and we will hold you in our hearts and our prayers."

Shortly after the events of the day were brought to a conclusion, a prayer service took place at St. Mary's Church by Father Ted Machnik.

Counseling was the order of the day Friday, and will continue on Monday.

"Parents and students have been coming in, and counselors will also be back in the school and in safe rooms on Monday," Kern said.

FRANK LEWIS can be reached at (740) 353-3101, ext. 232.

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Post by racenut70 »

Most schools today lock the doors and people can't be let in without someone releasing the door. However, I beleive that unless metal detectors are installed at that entrance this could happen anywhere. Most of the people that operate the door release know the teachers spouses so they will let them in the door without ever thinking they would be there to shoot/stab anyone.

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Post by biggdowgg »

at Portsmouths new schools,,ALL doors auto lock at 8 PM.

they are cameras at each door of the building.

only one way in ..the front intrance where the secratery has to buzz the door to let you in.

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