Who's the real Tigers? McClain vs. Waverly in Sectional dual

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Re: Who's the real Tigers? McClain vs. Waverly in Sectional dual

Post by outsider79 »

As I was listening to the game on the radio- one thing came to mind- Waverly just might make it to the convo- But as we all know as the game came to a close things didn't work out and they will be watching once again. However, each one of the young men got to play in a tournament game against a very good coached team and that will hopefully make them better next year and it sounded like Waverly missed some free-throws or the game wouldn't had even got into overtime.

Sometimes good teams win "ugly" and this would have been an ugly win for Waverly- you had to guess if it were low scoring it would not favor Waverly- but for everyone who is upset take a look around our SOC! Burg-out, Valley-out, Waverly-out, and Minford-out! Who would have ever thought????

Good learning season for the young men from Waverly- Coach Robertson and staff better build on it and look for a pretty strong league next year. Just because you have a lot coming back doesn't mean you will be very good unless what you got gets better!

I enjoyed watching Waverly this year and I wish the exchange student a lot of luck- he was a good addition to your club, I hope he enjoyed southern Ohio.

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Re: Who's the real Tigers? McClain vs. Waverly in Sectional dual

Post by Hitchbone64 »

Got to listen to quite a few of the Waverly Tiger fans today. To no surprise they were very disappointed and felt they should have pulled it out with a 10 pt lead in the 4th quarter. I heard nothing but good things about VanMetre and the GM kids (Waverly fans are a class group). However, this one will be tough to swallow for a while. It is a good thing spring is around the corner and some of these kids play b-ball. I feel for the Seniors that did not get that coveted trip to the Convo, but Martin, Roback and Kretzer are a strong nucleus to get the rest of the kids ready a run next year.

Good luck to GM at the Convo!!!

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