South Gallia Steps Up....What now TVC?

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Trimble Juvenile
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Re: South Gallia Steps Up....What now TVC?

Post by Trimble Juvenile »

^^ thanks, i do what i can. but however funny it is, it is also very true. :lol:

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Re: South Gallia Steps Up....What now TVC?


That may have been true when South Gallia first opened in 96 but not since Coach Saunders and then Coach Burleson took over the program! SG, like the majority of small schools will have ups and downs but the program at this point in time is on solid ground.

I know that is not the type of post people want to read but this is the truth-not pumping up any school or putting anyone down. Heck I think there is only one TVC-Hocking school that has not made the playoffs at one time or another. I can also remember when most of the schools have also had poor teams at one time or another too. The majority of small schools will have a run of good years and also a run of bad years.

The TVC-Hocking championship starting in 2010 will run through Trimble and Belpre most years.

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Re: South Gallia Steps Up....What now TVC?

Post by BlizzardMan »

I think there is a whole lotta hatin toward SG becasue of recent success. I think a couple of years ago, they could ahve been at the top part of the league standings. Let's face it, the TVC Hocking has only one consistently good team (can you guess who I mean?). SG will compete in some years, and not in others like everyone else.

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Re: South Gallia Steps Up....What now TVC?

Post by boogerred »

The two above posts are probably about the fairest and most accurate assessments!

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