Tanks Memorial Stadium

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by 85inside »

We did buy Portsmouth's greyhound fairly cheaply a few years back. Tanks very much.

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by biggdowgg »

well some say you been buying off........

never mind :mrgreen: :lol:

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by West_Sider »


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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by TrojanBuff »

Taken today at Spartan Stadium. Spartan was being moved away

It appears Ironton has bought Spartan Stadium to replace Tanks.

This was the Ironton school boards solution to the poor health of Tanks Memorial.

First the High School, now Spartan..what next?

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

TrojanBuff wrote:Taken today at Spartan Stadium. Spartan was being moved away

It appears Ironton has bought Spartan Stadium to replace Tanks.

This was the Ironton school boards solution to the poor health of Tanks Memorial.

First the High School, now Spartan..what next?

Well at least they took the best part of Portsmouth :razz: :122245

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by 85inside »

Ironton was going to wait until the football team went 1-9, then they were going to build a new stadium....Oh my bad, that was Portsmouth that did that. :122249

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by West_Sider »

ouch... low blow :shock:

You know, when West opened their new stadium, they went to the state championship game. Big shoes to fill for the Trojans. Also, I bet if Ironton thought it would get them back in the big game, a new stadium would be built in a week.... :122245

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by falcon1 »

yabbadabbadoo wrote:Since everyone is else is on the subject, how about a.) a new scoreboard and b.) move it to where everyone can see the whole scoreboard. I know where I was sitting the other night I couldn't see the yards to go or for that matter, the whole bottom of the scoreboard.. Get Coke to pony up some money and put in a new one. If they won't, then it is time they to back to Pepsi. Pepsi just bought Burg a new scoreboard a few years ago. You'll find that with Coke they will give you alot of smoke and mirrors. They'll promise you this and that and then never come through with it. How old is that scoreboard anyways? 15-20 yeras old?

Pepsiman, you need to fix that problem for them. I would bet that pepsi would love to have Ironton back in the mix. When I bought my drinks the other night they were as warm as pee. Now that might have been the concessions workers fault, but I was thinking that it was the route guy that was supposed to fill that cooler and fill it way before game time.

The reason Pepsi does so much for Wheelersburg, is all the Miller`s that work @ Pepsi !!

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by ItownBrowns »

I have said for years now that Ironton is letting one of its last beautiful structures fall apart. In the not so long future Tanks will follow the same fate as other sentimental structures in Ironton. Here is my opinion as to some of the improvemnents they need.
First of all the improvements are so vast and costly they would most certainly have to be done in phases. To me the grandstand is the most pressing need. The flooring is terrible and does'nt even feel safe to walk on. The infrastructure needs to be updated completely so that stadium will remain sturdy for the next 85 yrs of football.
Secondly, the locker room facilities need to be moved out from under the stadium. Neither locker room is suitable or large enough for todays standards. Those are would be much better suited for alternative usess such as restrooms.
I would ultimately like to see a well designed structure on the old pool site. Modern locker facilites with all the amenities. Better stalls, showers, meeting rooms, training rooms, therapy equipment. The visitors locker room is an embarrasment and way to small. I think they should look into a joint facility maybe much larger with OUSC. Much like the d.r.e.a.m project between Massillon and Walsh U.. With classrooms, weightroom/workout facility, pool, therapy equipment, film room. Perhaps OUSC would be interested in joining in and expanding their programs to include p.t., o.t., sports med, dietary, fitness, plus give students the opportunity to work out also. Seems like a win/win situation to me.
Thirdly, along with this facilty needs to be a brick facade front entrance along Lutz Way. Ticket windows, restrooms, concessions in the endzone. Perhaps have memorabelia in the facility or accounts from special moments in the stadiums history. Maybe even statues or busts of some of the great Tanks players/coaches.
Lastly while I dont feel strongly about fieldturf if they do so move the field about 10-15 ft closer to the grandstand. That would allow more room on the visitors side to expand seating without dissrupting the track. It would also move the action closer to the home side which feels very far away. I too believe more seating is needed on the visitor side. Also a improved scoreboard that is visible is a must. That thing Tanks has is woeful. For goodness sakes get some companies to donate or lease advertising on one and get a modern scoreboard with some unique features.
I could sit and brainstorm all night about every aspect of things I would like to see improved. The problem is this stadium belongs to the city and the people of Ironton and we need to take it upon ourselves to get this done. This is a project that requires the right group of people to be diligent and passionant enough to see it through. The only way things will change is if someone does enough to get some momentum rolling about it. Guess I should quit talkin and start acting myself or shut up.

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by philthyphil »

yabbadabbadoo wrote:Since everyone is else is on the subject, how about a.) a new scoreboard and b.) move it to where everyone can see the whole scoreboard. I know where I was sitting the other night I couldn't see the yards to go or for that matter, the whole bottom of the scoreboard.. Get Coke to pony up some money and put in a new one. If they won't, then it is time they to back to Pepsi. Pepsi just bought Burg a new scoreboard a few years ago. You'll find that with Coke they will give you alot of smoke and mirrors. They'll promise you this and that and then never come through with it. How old is that scoreboard anyways? 15-20 yeras old?

Pepsiman, you need to fix that problem for them. I would bet that pepsi would love to have Ironton back in the mix. When I bought my drinks the other night they were as warm as pee. Now that might have been the concessions workers fault, but I was thinking that it was the route guy that was supposed to fill that cooler and fill it way before game time.

I'm pretty sure it's less than 10 years old but I could be wrong.

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by tigermama »

If you noticed on the home side, where the general admission section is on the OU side, a new wooden rail was placed to separate general admission from some of their reserved seating. You should have seen people climbing over it to go down to the concession stand because they made it so you couldn't walk down that way anymore, I wonder what would happen if a fire would break out when it is crowded? Now there is only one way out of that section of bleachers instead of two. Anyway, I still love the Tank, it has character and not a lot of places have that anymore, they are just copies of each other.

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by tk421 »

Yeah, whomever thought of that idea is an idiot. I sat right beside that rail on Friday. I guess they have to keep all the riff raff out of the reserved seating section. God forbid someone who didn't pay an extra dollar go down those steps.

I agree, it's a huge lawsuit waiting to happen. If for some reason there is a need to ever evacuate the stands, that railing is going to bite the people in charge in the ass.

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by Tigercannon71 »

They have that land from the pool they could make a new gate and opening or at least a vistors lockerroom out of that. There are a lot of things they can do to improve the Tank only if they had some money for it. The first thing that needs to be fixed is the home side restrooms.
Turf doesnt ever need to be at the Tank. The natural grass is part of the allure of the Tank it harkens back to the old days when you played football in the mud and rain.

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by trojandave »

I was in Ironton one day recently to check out the new high school.......it looks really nice, and the front of the "old" high school has been renovated and looks sharp.......the new "IHS" gets an A+ grade from me.........

And I love the Tiger stripes in brick on the wall facing Tiger Alley........

As far as the Tank, the field has been too bumpy for a long time.......with holes and divots here and there........a guy from Ironton told me that they asked the state for help, and were turned down. Tank Stadium is a registered historical place, so I would think some money could come its way for renovations. The Tank with field turf would be great.......but that looks like that may be in the distant future.

We here in Portsmouth are forever grateful that a family of generous alums endowed the Portsmouth City Schools with the necessary money to build some incredible facilities.

Tank stadium has a personality all its own.......a uniqueness that not many stadiums have........I know of only Massillon that has a roof on the home side........there needs to be upgrades, but it doesn't need a complete overhaul. Ironton should always want to keep the overall look of the Tank.

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by CarmenOhio »

trojandave wrote:I was in Ironton one day recently to check out the new high school.......it looks really nice, and the front of the "old" high school has been renovated and looks sharp.......the new "IHS" gets an A+ grade from me.........

And I love the Tiger stripes in brick on the wall facing Tiger Alley........

As far as the Tank, the field has been too bumpy for a long time.......with holes and divots here and there........a guy from Ironton told me that they asked the state for help, and were turned down. Tank Stadium is a registered historical place, so I would think some money could come its way for renovations. The Tank with field turf would be great.......but that looks like that may be in the distant future.

We here in Portsmouth are forever grateful that a family of generous alums endowed the Portsmouth City Schools with the necessary money to build some incredible facilities.

Tank stadium has a personality all its own.......a uniqueness that not many stadiums have........I know of only Massillon that has a roof on the home side........there needs to be upgrades, but it doesn't need a complete overhaul. Ironton should always want to keep the overall look of the Tank.

I agree with basically everything you have said. I too wonder how, since the stadium is a historical landmark, can no money be found in grant, or some other form, to do some work on the stadium. While I agree the facilities need a major upgrade, the field gets worse every year. I think the player's safety comes into question at that point. I have the same concerns about the floor in the Conley Center. Have any of you actually played on that floor recently? Absolutely ridiculous. But in our wisdom we have decided to replace the bottom bleachers instead of putting that money back to build on to put a nice wood floor down in the future. The Ironton Classic is an amazing event, very well put together and very entertaining, but that floor is terrible looking and, in my estimation, a possible hazard.

Before anyone gets on me and says "maybe you should run for school board if you have such great ideas", I must inform you that my education, occupation, and life circumstances have led me away from Ironton. But I still make it back very frequently to visit and take in whatever sport is in season. I also keep in touch with many great people/fans. I played on that field and court not too terribly long ago, so I have a good feel for the condition they are in.
Last edited by CarmenOhio on Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by sportsfan43 »

85inside wrote:Ironton was going to wait until the football team went 1-9, then they were going to build a new stadium....Oh my bad, that was Portsmouth that did that. :122249

I dont see I town going 1 and 9 any time soon.

as long as they still play ashland, russell and Canada from time time etc. :mrgreen:

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by ItownHosscat »

Im not so sure the field is covered by the historical society.
I believe its just the structure.

Bottom line theres always something one can complain about at any given time.

At the Burg they have ran out of water before halftime and the visitors seating, well its pretty small too.
At West your about 20 yrds away from the field.
At the Old stadium in Portsmouth you never knew when the bleachers were gonna give way.
But you know what who gives a rats backside when theres football being played!

I know when hunting,it doesn't matter if its cold,windy snowy even at times rainy, it still just feels good to get out.

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by F-4 Phantom »

If you change the stadium it is no longer the TANKS. Leave it alone. Spruce up the urinals and what nots but don't touch anything else.

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by grizzlynatural »

F-4 Phantom wrote:If you change the stadium it is no longer the TANKS. Leave it alone. Spruce up the urinals and what nots but don't touch anything else.

Yeah, and maybe put a bar underneath the scoreboard so its easy to find! And...take the padding off the goal posts for halftime so we can have strippers! :12224

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Re: Tanks Memorial Stadium

Post by LHS 72 »

will the tank hold 5500 form L Town in a couple weeks? Hope it is not a mud bowl like the last time. Update get turf :?: :?: :?: :?:

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