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:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1797,composer Franz Schubert was born in Vienna,Austria

In 1865,Gen. Robert E. Lee was named General-in-Chief of all the Confederate armies.

In 1917,Germany served notice it was begining a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare .

In 1934,President Rooservelt devalued the dollar in relation to gold.

In 1944,during World War II,U.S. forces began invading Kwajalein Atoll and other parts of the Japanese-held Marshall Islands

In 1945,Private Eddie Slovik became the only U.S. soldier since the Civil War to be executed for desertion as he was shot by an American firing squad in France.

In 1958,the United States entered the space Age with its first sucessful launch of a satellite into orbit,Eplorer I

In 1971,astronauts Alan B. Shepard Jr,Edgar D. Mitchell and Struart A Roosa blasted off abourd Apollo 14 on a mission to the moon

In 2000,an Alaska Airline jet plummeted into the Pacific Ocean,killing all 88 people aboard.


In one of the worst attacks in Sri Lanka's civil war, a truck packed with explosives,killed 88 people and wounded 1,400 others.

The last Cubans held in refugee camps at Guantanamo Bay Navel Base boarded a plane for Florida.


A Scottish court sitting in the Netherlands convicted one Libyan,acquited a second ,in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie Scotland.

The state of George hoisted its new flag above its statehouse ,one featuring a smaller Confederate battle emblem.

Michel Navratil,one of the last known surviors of the sinking of the Titanic,died in Montpellier,France,at age 92

January 31,2006

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In 1861, Texas voted to secede from the Union

In 1920,the RoyalCanadian mounted Police came into existance

In 1943,one of American's most highly decorated military units of World War II,the 442nd Regimental Combat Team,made up almost entirely of Japanese-Americans ,was authorized.

In 1960,four black college students began a sit-in protest at a lunch counter in Greensboro,N.C.,where they'd been refused service.

In 1968,during the Vietnam War ,Saigon's police chief (Nguyen Ngoc Loan) executed a Viet Cong officer with a pistol shot to the head in a scene captured in a famous news photograhp.

In 1979,Ayatollah Ruhollah khomeini received a tumultuous welcome in Tehran as he ended nearly 15 years of exile.

In 1979,a newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst,whose prison sentence for bank robbery had been commuted by President Carter,left a federal prison near San Francisco

In 1991,35 people were killed when a US air jetliner crashed atop a commuter plane on a runway at Los Angeles International Airport.


Both houses of Congress voted overwhelmingly to rewrite the 61-year-old Communications Act.freezing the exploding television-telephone and home computer industries to jump into each others fields

Five Years Ago

John Ashcroft won confirmation as attorney general on a 58-42 Senate vote,completing President Bush's Cabinet over strong Democratic oppsition

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Feb.2nd----332 days left in 2006

In 1653,New Amstrerdam --now New York City --was incorporated.

In 1848,the Treaty of Gualalupe Hidalgo, ending the mexican War,was sighned.

In 1876,the National League of Professional Baseball Clubs was founded in New York

In 1945,President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill departed Malta for the summit in Yalta with Soviet leader Josef Stalin

In 1971,Idi Amin assumed power in Uganda,following a coup that ousted President Milton Obote.

In 1987,the White House announced the resignation of CIA director William Casey,who was hospitalized and had undergone brain surgery


A deep freeze continued in the Plains,the Midwest and much of the South,breaking temperature records that had stood for a century


Former President Clinton and Sen.Hillary Rodham Clinton said they would pay for $86,000 worth of White House gifts they choose to keep.


In his State of the Union address,President Bush called for changed in Social Security that would combine reduced government benefits for younger workers with "a chance to build a nest egg" through personal accounts.

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02/03/06---331 days left in 2006

In 1783,Spain recognized U.S.independence

In 1809,the territory of Illinios was created

In 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution,providing for a federal income tax,was ratified.

In 1916,Canada's original Parliament Cuidings,in Ottawa,burned down.

In 1917,the United States broke off diplomatic relations with Germany which had announced a policy of unrestrictied submarine warfare.

In 1924,the 28th president of the United States,Woodrow Wilson,died in Washington at age 67.

In 1930,the chief justice of the United States,William Howard Taft,resigned for health reasons.

In 1943,during World War II,the U.S. transport ship Dorchester,which was carring troops to Greenland sank after bing hit by a torpedo.(Four Army chaplains gave their life belts to four other men,and went down with the ship.)

In 1995,the space shuttle Discovery blasted off with a woman,Air Force Lt. Colonel Eileen Collins,in the pilot's seat for the first time in NASA


Sgt. 1st Class Donald A.Dugan,38 became the first U.S.soldier killed while on duty in Bosnia when a piece of ammunition exploded in his hands


Alberto Gonzals won Senate confirmation as attorney general.

An interim report detailed conflicts of interest and flawed management in the UN oil-for-food program

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Feb.04----330days left in 2006

In 1783,Britain declared a formal cessation of hostilities with its former colonies,the United States of America

In 1789,electors unanimously chose George Washington to be the first president of the United States.

In 1801,John Marshall was sworn in as chief justice of the United States.

In 1861,delegates from six southern states met in Montgomery,Ala., to form the Confederate Stated of America

In 1932,New York Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt opened the Winter Olympic Games at Lake Placid.

In 1974,newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst was kidnapped in Berkeley,Calif.,by the Symbionese Liberation Army.

In 1976,more than 22,000 people died when a servere earthquake struck Guatemala and Honduras.

In 1997,a civil jury in Santa Monica Calif. found O.J. Simpson liable for the deaths of ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.

In 2004,the Massachusetts high court declared that homosexuals were entitled to nothing less than marriage and that Vermont-style unions would not suffice.


Twenty-four people were killed when a Colombian plane in Paraguay caught fire shortly after takeoff and crashed into a suburban neighborhood.


Gunman kidnapped Italian journalist Giluliana Sgrena in Baghdad.(Sgrena was freed a month later;however,an Italian agent who'd secured her release was killed by U.S. gunfire ar a checkpoint)

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In 1756,America's third vice-president Aaron Burr,was born in Newark N.J.

In 1778,the United States won official recognition from France with the signing of treaties in Paris.

In 1788,Massachusetts became the sixth state to ratify the U.S. Constitution.

In 1895,baseball legend Babe Ruth was born in Baltimore

In 1899,a peace treaty between the United States and Spain was ratified by the U.S.Senate.

In 1933,the 20th Amendment to the Constitution,the so-called "lame duck" amendment was declared in effect .

In 1959, The United States successfully testfired for the first time a Titan intercontinantal ballistic missle from Cape Canaveral,Florida

In 1992,16 people were killed whne a C-130 military plane crashed in Evansville ,Ind.

In 1998,President Clinton signed a bill changing the name of Washington National Airport to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.


A Turkish-owned Boeing 757 jetliner crashed into the Dominican Republic,killing 189

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february 07----327 days left in 2006

In 1904,a fire began in Baltimore that raged for about 30 hours and destroyed more than 1,500 buildings

In 1936, President Roosevelt authorized a flag for the office of the vice president

In 1944, during World War II,the Germans launched a counteroffensive at Anzio,italy.

In 1964,The Beatles began their first American tour as they arrived at New York's John F.Kennedy International Airport.

In 1984,space shuttle astronauts Bruce McCandless and Robert L. Stewart went on the first untethered space walk.

In 1986,the Philippines held a presidential election marred by charges of fraud against the incumbent,Fredinand E. Marcos.

In 1986,Haitian President-for-life Jean Claude Duvzlier fled his country,ending 28 years of his family's rule.


During a Central America tour,Pope John Paul II received a warm welcome in Nicarsgua,his first visit there since 1983.


The Senate voted to release $582 million in dues owed the United Nations.

The space shuttle Atlantis blasted off on a trip to the international space station.

Jean-Bertrand Aristide was sworn in a Haiti's president.

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02/08/06----326 days left in 2006

In 1910,the Boy scouts of America was incoporated

In 1915,D.W.Griffith's groundbreaking as well as controversial silent movie epic about the Civil War,"The Birth of a Nation," premiered in Los Angeles.

In 1922, President Harding had a radio installed in the White House.

In 1924,the first execution by gas in the United States took place at the Nevada State Prison in Carson City.

In 1968,three college students were killed in a confrontation with highway patrolmen in Orangeburg,S.C. during a civil rights protest against a whites-only bowling alley.

In 1974,the three man crew of the Skylab space station returned to earth after spending 84 days in space.

In 1989,144 people were killed when an American-chartered Boeing 707 filled with Italian tourist slammed into a fog-covered mountain in the Arores.


In a ceremony at the Library of Congress,President Bill Clinton sighned legislation revamping the telecommunications industry,saying it would"bring the future to our doorstep"


A House committee opened hearings into former President Clinton's last minute pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich,with former prosecutors complaining that they hadn't been consulted beforehand

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Thursday February 09--325 days left in 2006

In 1773, the ninth president of the United States,William Henry Harrison,was born in Charles City Counnty,Virginia.

In 1825, the House of Repersentatives elected John Quincy Adams president after no candidate received a majority of electoral votes.

In 1861, the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States of America elected Jefferson Davis president and Alexander H. Stephens vice president.

In 1942,daylight-saving " War Time" went into effect in the United States,with clocks turned one hour forward.

In 1950,in a speech in Wheeling,W.Va.Sen.Joseph McCarthy,R-Wis,charged the State Department was riddled with Communists

In 1964,The Beatles made their first live American television appearance on " The Ed Sullivan Show" on CBS


A collision of rush-hour commuter trains in Secaucuc,N.J. claimed the lives of both engineers and a passenger.


Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina was forced out by board members,ending her nearly six-year reign

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Friday Fubruary 10--324 days left in 2006

In 1763,France ceded Canada to England under the Treaty of Paris,which ended the French and Indian War.

In 1846,members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,the Mormons began an exodus to the west from Illinios.

In 1942,RCA Victor presented Glen Miller and his Orchestra with a "gold record"for their recording of "Chattanooga Choo Choo"which had sold more than 1 million copies.

In 1962,the Soviet Union exchanged American U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers for Rudolph Ivanovich Abel,a Soviet spy held by the United States.

In 1967,the 25th Amendment to the Constitution,dealing with presidential disability and succession,went into effect.

In 1968,Peggy Fleming of the United States won the gold metal in ladies'figure sating at the Winter Olympic Games in Grenoble,France


President Clinton signed a $265 billion defense bill,but said he would battle for repeal of a section forcing the discharge of service members with the AIDS virus.

A slab of mountainside crushed a highway tunnel on the Japanese island of Hokkaido,killing 20 people.


The space shuttle Atlantis'astronauts installed the $1.4 billion Destiny laboratory on the international space station.

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Feb.11---323 days left in 2006

In 1812,Massachusetts Gov. Elbridge Gerry signed a redistricting law favoring his party,giving rise to the trem "gerrymandering

In 1847, American inventor Thomas Alva Edison was born in Milan Ohio

In 1858,a French girl,Bernadine Soubirous,claimed for the first time to have seen a vision of the Virgin Mary near Loudes.

In 1861,president-elect Lincoln departed Springfield.Ill. for Washington

In 1929,the Lateran Treaty was signed,with Italy recognizing the independence and sovereignty of Vatican City.

In 1937,a sit-down strike against general Motors ended ,with the company agreeing to recognize the United Automoble Workers Union.

In 1972,McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. and Life magizine cancelled plans to publish what had turned out to be a fake autobiography of reclusive billionaire Howard hughes

In 1979,followers of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini seized power in Iran.

In 1986,Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky was released by the Soviet Union after nine years of captivity as part of an East-West prioner exchange.

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02/13/06--321 days left in 2006

In 1920,the League of Nations recognized the perpetual neutrality of Switzerland.

In 1945, during World War II,the Soviet captured Budapest,Hungary from the Germans.

In 1960,France exploded its first atomic bomb.


In the continuing drama of man versus machine,world chess champion Garry Kasparov asked for a draw in his third game against the IBM supercomputer named "DEEP BLUE"


A 6.6 magnitude earthquake shock El Salvador,killing at least 402 people one month to the day after another quake killed more than 800 pepole.
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February 14--320 days left in 2006

In 1859,Oregon was admitted to the Union as the 33rd state.

In 1894,comedian Jack Benny was born Benjamin Kubelsky in Waukegan,Ill.

In 1895,Oscar Wilder's final play," The Importance of Being Earnest," opened at the St. Jame's Theatre in London.

In 1903,the Department of Commerce and Labor was established.(It was divided into seperate departments of Commerce and Labor in 1913)

In 1912,Arizona became the 48th state of the Union.

In 1920,the League of Women Voters was founded in Chicago;its first president was Maude Wood Park.

In 1945,Peru,Paraguay,Chile and Ecuador joined the United Nations.

In 1979,Adolph Dubs,the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan,was kidnapped in Kabul by Muslim extremists and killed in a shootout between his abductore and police.

In 1989,Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini called on Muslims to kill Salman Rushdie,author of "The Satanic Verses," a novel condemned as blasphemous.


Texas Sen. Phil Gramm bowed out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination following his poor showing in the Louisiana and Iowa caucuses.


A Palestinian crashed a bus into Israeli soldiers and civilians standing at a bus stop in Azur,Israel,killing eight.(The driver,Kh 1/2lil Abu Olbeh,was later sentenced to eight life tems)

The Kansas Board of education approved new science standards restoring evolution to the state's curriculum.

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1764,the city of St.Louis was established.

In 1820,American suffragist Susan B. Anthony was born in Adams,Mass.

In 1879,President Hayes signed a bill allowing female attorneys to argue cases before the Supreme Court.

In 1933,,President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt escaped an assassination attempted in Miami that claimed the life of Chicago Mayor Anton J. Cermak.

In 1942,the British colony Singapore surrendered to the Japanese during World War II.

In 1961,73 people ,including an 18-member U.S.figure skating team en route to Czechoslovakia,were killed in the crash of a Sabena Airline Boeing 707 in Belgium.

In 1965, Canada's new maple-leaf flag was unfurled in ceremonies in Ottaws.

In 1986,the Philippines National Assembly proclaimed Ferdinand E. Marcos president for another six years,following an election marked be allegations of fraud(Marcos was later ousted)


Russian President Boris N.Yeltsin announced he would run for re-election.

A federal judge temporyarily blocked the Communications Decency Act,saying the government had to explain what material it considered indecent before it could enforce the law,designed to protect children from sexually explicit material on computer networks


President Bush said the Pentagon should review its policy on civilian participation in military exercises like the emergency ascent drill a Navy submarine was performing when it sank a Japanese fishing vessel off hawaii.

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Post by noreply66 »

February 16--318 days left in 2006

In 1804,Stephen Decatur led a successful raid into Tripoli Harbor to burn the U.S.Navy frigate Philidelphia,which had fallen into the hands of pirates.

In 1862,during the Civil War,some 14,000 Confederate soldiers surrendered at Fort Donelson,Tenn.(Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's victory earned him the nickname"Unconditional Surrender Grant")

In 1959,Fidel Castro became premier of Cuba after the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista.


Eleven people were killed in a fiery collition between an Amtrak passenger train and a Maryland commuter train in Silver Springs,Maryland.

World chess champion Garry Kasparov won for the second time against IBM supercomputer"Deep Blue" in the fifth game of their match in Philadelphia(Kasparov had drawn twice and lost once.)


The United States and Britain staged air strikes against radar stations and air defense command centers in Irag

Dr.William H. Masters,who with partner and future wife Virginia Johnson,pioneered research in the field of human sexuality,died in Tucson,Arizona

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Post by noreply66 »

February 17--317 days left in 2006

In 1865,Columbia,S.C. burned as the Confederates evacuated and Union forces moved in.(It's not known which side set the blaze.)

In 1904,Giacomo Puccini's opera "Madama Butterfly" was poorly received at its world premiere at La Scala in Milan,italy.

In 1933,Newsweek was first published.

In 1947,the Voice of America began broadcasting to the Soviet Union.

In 1964,the Supreme Court ruled that congressional districts within each state had to be roughly equal in population.

In 1972,President Nixon departed on his historic trip to China.

In 1986,Johnson and Johnson,maker of Tylenol,announced it would no longer sell over-the-counter medication in capsule form,following the death of a woman who had taken a cyanide-laced capsule.

In 1992,serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer was sentenced in Milwauke to life in prison (he was beaten to death in prison in November 1994)

In 1995,Colin Ferguson was convicted of six counts of murder in the December 1993 Long Island Rail Road shootings(he was later sentenced to a minimum of 200 years in prison)


World chess champion Garry kasparov beat IBM supercomputer "Deep Blue" winning a six-game match in Philidelphia (Kasparov had lost the first game,won the second,fifth and sixth gams and earned draws in the third and fourth)

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Post by RiverRatZap »

February 17th: birthdates

Billie Joe Armstrong: 1972 (is 34 in 2006, 35 in 2007)
Rock & Roll Performer, Singer/Guitarist, of Green Day

Becky Ann Baker: 1953 (is 53 in 2006, 54 in 2007)
Actress, Freaks and Geeks' Jean Weir

Michael Bay: 1964 (is 42 in 2006, 43 in 2007)
Movie Director, Pearl Harbor

Zina Bethune: 1946 (is 60 in 2006, 61 in 2007)
Actress, Singer, The Nurses' Gail Lucas

Melissa Brooke-Belland: 1966 (is 40 in 2006, 41 in 2007)
Alternative Rock Performer, of Voice Of The Beehive

Jim Brown: 1935 (is 71 in 2006, 72 in 2007)
Jimmy "Jim" Brown: 1936 (is 70 in 2006, 71 in 2007)
HALL OF FAMER, Movie Actor, NFL Runningback, b. in St. Simon Island, Ga.; Cleveland Brown FB who was perhaps the most awe-inspiring running back in NFL history was a star in high school and college. He also once held the career touchdown mark with 126, until wide receiver Jerry Rice passed his by; led NFL in rushing 8 times; 8-time All-Pro (1957-61,63-65); 3-time MVP (1958,63,65) with Cleveland; ran for 12,312 yards and scored 756 points in just 9 seasons; rushed in 1963 a record NFL season of 1,863 yards.

Johnny Bush: 1935 (is 71 in 2006, 72 in 2007)
Country Singer, Drummer, was voted by Record World magazine to be the most promising singer of 1968, a foolhardy prediction in the music business

Erin Cardillo: 1979 (is 27 in 2006, 28 in 2007)
Soap Actress, Passions' Esme

Buddy De Franco: 1923 (is 83 in 2006, 84 in 2007)
Jazz Musician, Clarinetist

Andre Dussollier: 1946 (is 60 in 2006, 61 in 2007)
Actor, 3 Men and a Cradle

Michelle Forbes: 1967 (is 39 in 2006, 40 in 2007)
TV Actress, Soap Actress, Guiding Light's Sonni/Solita Carrera, Star Trek the Next Generation's Ensign Ro, Homicide's Chief Medical Examiner Julianna Cox

Brenda Fricker: 1945 (is 61 in 2006, 62 in 2007)
Movie Actress, Irish, My Left Foot

Jennifer Gee: yr unknown
Soap Actress, Days of Our Lives' Susan

Joseph Gordon: 1981 (is 25 in 2006, 26 in 2007)
Actor, LN:Levitt?; 3rd Rock From The Sun's Tommy Solomon

Heidi Hagman: 1958 (is 48 in 2006, 49 in 2007)
Actress, Larry's daughter; Archie Bunker's Place's Linda

Oliver Taylor Hawkins: 1972 (is 34 in 2006, 35 in 2007)
Rock & Roll Drummer, of Foo Fighters

Paris Hilton: 1981 (is 25 in 2006, 26 in 2007)
Actress, The Simple Life, House of Wax

Hal Holbrook: 1925 (is 81 in 2006, 82 in 2007)
TV/Movie/Stage Actor, b. in Cleveland; RFMN:Harold Rowe Jr.; North & South's Lincoln, The Brighter Day's drunk Grayling Dennis, Designing Women's Reese Watson, Evening Shade's Evan Evans; did many TV & Broadway projects; Dixie Carter's hubby, Mark Twain Tonight, The Firm, All The President's Men, The Bachelor

Isabelle Yasmine Howell: 1993 (is 13 in 2006, 14 in 2007)
Celebrity Daughter, Sylvie & C. Thomas' girl

Barry Humphries: 1934 (is 72 in 2006, 73 in 2007)
TV Talk Show Host, Comedian, Transvestite, Australian, Alter ego:Dame Edna Everage

Michael "Air" Jordan: 1963 (is 43 in 2006, 44 in 2007)
NBA Guard, Olympic Athlete, NBA Forward, b. in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Chicago Bulls; RFN:Michael Jeffrey; College Player of Year with North Carolina in 1984; Rookie of the year 1985; NBA leading scorer 1987-93; 7-time All-NBA 1st team; regular season MVP (1988,91-92) and 3-time MVP of NBA Finals (1991-93); led U.S. Olympic team to gold medals in 1984 and '92 (Dream Team); stunned sports world when he retired at age 30 on Oct. 6, 1993; signed as OF with Chicago White Sox and spent summer of '94 in Double A with Birmingham; barely hit his weight with .204 average; 32.3 point-per-game avg.; 21,541 career points; 2 Olympic gold medals; owns a restaurant in Chicago; co-starred in "Space Jam" with Bugs Bunny in 1996

Richard Karn: 1956 (is 50 in 2006, 51 in 2007)
Actor, Home Improvement's Al Borland

Larry The Cable Guy: 1963 (is 43 in 2006, 44 in 2007)
Comedian, TV Host, Blue Collar TV co-host

Chloe Rose Lattanzi: 1986 (is 20 in 2006, 21 in 2007)
Celebrity Daughter, Olivia-Newton John & Matt's daughter

Bobby Lewis: 1933 (is 73 in 2006, 74 in 2007)
Rhythm and Blues Singer, Pianist, Tossin & Turnin singer

John Leyton: 1939 (is 67 in 2006, 68 in 2007)
Actor, Singer, British, The Great Escape

Timothy J. Mahoney: 1970 (is 36 in 2006, 37 in 2007)
Alternative Rock Performer, Singer, of 311

Mary Ann Mobley: 1939 (is 67 in 2006, 68 in 2007)
Actress, Beauty Pagent Winner, Miss America of 1959; Gary Collins' wife; Diff'rent Strokes' Maggie McKinney Drummond, Falcon Crest's Beth Everdene, Hearts Afire's Mary Fran
Lynne Moody: yr unknown
Soap Actress, General Hospital's Florence

Chante Moore: 1967 (is 39 in 2006, 40 in 2007)

Patricia Morrow: 1945 (is 61 in 2006, 62 in 2007)
Actress, Attorney/Lawyer, I Led Three Lives' Constance Philbrick, Peyton
Place's Rita Jacks Harrington; some say b. 1943

Jerry O'Connell: 1974 (is 32 in 2006, 33 in 2007)
TV/Movie Actor, Mr Secret Identity's Andrew Clements, Camp Wilder's Brody, Sliders's Quinn Mallory, Scream 2, Stand By Me, Mission to Mars

Lou Diamond Phillips: 1962 (is 44 in 2006, 45 in 2007)
Movie/Stage Actor, Screen/Scriptwriter, is of Philippine, Hispanic, Hawaiian, Cherokee, & Scotch-Irish descent; La Bamba's Ritchie Valens, Young Guns, Courage Under Fire

Christina Pickles: 1940 (is 66 in 2006, 67 in 2007)
Actress, English, St. Elsewhere's Nurse Helen Rosenthal, Friend's Ross's mom Judy Geller

Gene Pitney: 1941 (is 65 in 2006, 66 in 2007)
Pop Singer, Songwriter, Composer, Guitarist, Pianist, MN:Francis

Dan Reed: 1963 (is 43 in 2006, 44 in 2007)
Music Figure, Actor

Denise Richards: 1971 (is 35 in 2006, 36 in 2007)
Actress, Drop Dead Gorgeous, The World is Not Enough; Spin City's Jennifer, Melrose Place's Brandi Carson, Undercover Brother

Jason Ritter: 1980 (is 26 in 2006, 27 in 2007)
Actor, Freddy Vs. Jason, Joan of Arcadia's Kevin Girardi; Nancy Morgan and John's son

Rene Russo: 1954 (is 52 in 2006, 53 in 2007)
TV/Movie Actress, Model, Get Shorty, Tin Cup, Ransom, Buddy, Leathal Weapon IV, Thomas Crown Affair, Two For The Money, Yours Mine and Ours; not b. Aug 10

Dodie Stevens: 1947 (is 59 in 2006, 60 in 2007)
Singer, RN:Geraldine Ann Pasquale

Rene Syler: 1963 (is 43 in 2006, 44 in 2007)
TV Host, The Early Show host

Buck Trent: 1932 (is 74 in 2006, 75 in 2007)
Country Singer, Banjoist, Hee Haw reg

Margaret Truman-Daniel: 1924 (is 82 in 2006, 83 in 2007)
Novelist, Singer, Pianist, Harry S.'s daughter; b. in Independence, Mo.

Orrin Tucker: 1911 (is 95 in 2006, 96 in 2007)
Bandleader, Singer

Bryan White: 1974 (is 32 in 2006, 33 in 2007)
Country Singer

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Post by noreply66 »

February 18---316 days left in 2006

In 1861,Jefferson Davis was sworn in as president of the Confederate States of American in Montgomery,Alabama

In 1930,the ninth planet of our solar system,Pluto, was discovered

In 1960,the Eighth Winter Olympic Games were formally opened in Squaw Valley,California,by Vice-President Nixon.

In 1970,the Chicago 7 defendants were found innocent of conspring to incite riots at the 1968 Democratic national convention.

In 1972,the California Supreme Court struck down the states death penalty.

In 1977,the space shuttle Enterprise,sitting atop a Boeing 747,went on its maiden "flight " above the Mojave Desert.

In 1988,Anthony M. Kennedy was sworn in as the 104th justice of the U.S.Supreme Court

In 1995,the NAACP replaced veteran chairman William Gibson with Myrlie Evers William,the widow of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers.


A member of the Irish Republican Army blew himself up and wounded nine other people when the briefcase bomb he was carring detonated accidentally on a double-decker bus in London's West End


Auto racing star Dale Earnhart Sr. died from injuries suffered in a crash at the Daytona 500;he was 49.
Death also claimed baseball Hall of Famer Eddie Mathews at age 69
Broadcaster Roger Caras at age 72
Cheaper by the Dozen co-author Frank B. Gilbreth Jr at age 89
Paimter Balthus a age 92

Veteran FBI agent Robert Philip Hanssen was arrested,accused of spying for Russia for more than 15 years

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Februay 20-314 days left in 2006

In 1792,President Washington signed an act creating the U.S. post office.

In 1809,the Supreme Court ruled the power of the deferal government is greater than that of any individual state.

In 1893,Congress prohibited dueling in the District of Columbia.

In 1895,abolitionist Frederick Douglass died in Washington.

In 1933,the House of Representstives completed congressional actions on an amendment to repeal prohibition.

In 1981,the space shuttle Columbia cleared the final major hurdle to its maiden launch as the spacecraft fired its three engines in a 20-second test.


Patrick Buchanan won the New Hampshire Republican primary by a slim margin over Bob Dole.


The government announced the arrest two days earlier of veteran FBI agent Robert Philip Hanssen,accused of spying for Russia for more than 15 years.

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