Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
- Varsity
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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
We have problems in schools today because of ineffective parents or because children are emotionally and psychologically damaged from the abuse they are getting at home! Don't blame schools because our kids are acting out or are seeking attention and in many cases, help!
Last edited by starbase_318 on Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
Starbase beat me to it...I agree 100% with hs post............ :12224
- SEOPS Hippo
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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
Im not blaming schools Im blaming parents who have not taught their kids discipline. Then when they come to school and a teacher tries to discipline them they act out even worse and the parent sides with the kid.
Heres an example I was in class one day I asked this girl to take a seat (8th grader) she replies,"my mom told me I dont have to listen I can do what I want. The cops told her to settle down and she hit them before they hauled her to jail."
Right there is a problem on so many levels, but by taking the paddle out a teachers hand you have effectivly diminshed their power to discipline.
Its like if you got a pitcher who has a 100mph fastball that strikes everyone out, but because no ine can hit it you say thats unfair and you make a rule saying he can only throw curves or sliders. You have reduced the effectivness if that pitcher.
Heres an example I was in class one day I asked this girl to take a seat (8th grader) she replies,"my mom told me I dont have to listen I can do what I want. The cops told her to settle down and she hit them before they hauled her to jail."
Right there is a problem on so many levels, but by taking the paddle out a teachers hand you have effectivly diminshed their power to discipline.
Its like if you got a pitcher who has a 100mph fastball that strikes everyone out, but because no ine can hit it you say thats unfair and you make a rule saying he can only throw curves or sliders. You have reduced the effectivness if that pitcher.
Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
You just proved our point with that example........Youreally believe a paddling would help a child like that?..........Please tell me you ae not that naive.............. :12224
- SEOPS Hippo
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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
It probably would have helped her mom, but the point I proved was that you need all your tools to discipline kids paddle included. Some kids just need their butt busted thats only way they learn.
Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
Beatings never , ever work.........It just makes better liars and better cheaters........You are reinforcing the very behavior that you do not want ...........Praise good behavior instead of trying to beat the bad behavior out.........Thus you reinforce the behavior you do want and behavior will change.......I use it everyday in class.........and it works....... :12224
Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
I seen an interview with the district attorny were he said this was abuse, but could not file charges due to statute of limitations.
- SEOPS Hippo
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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
As we see on here its divided as to whether this is abuse or not. I guess we will never know now.
- SEOPS Hippo
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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
True and Ive never said beatings. Beating indicates abuse or trying to inflict harm. Ive advocated whipping which will smart and make you not want to sit down for the next 10 minutes not a whipping that will be inflicted to cause permanemt harm or indanger the childs well being.abuck76 wrote:Beatings never , ever work
Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
Hitting someone with abelt, 17 times, is not a little "whipping".........It is a beating.........It does not have to cause physical damage, but the psychological damage that will be caused by such a beating as this is sometimes repressed and will reappear as problematic behavior in a different manner............. :12224
- SEOPS Hippo
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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
Are you kidding me? Physchological damage see right there wussification of our youth. If you got a problem blame it on your parents or a disorder. Thats whats wrong with our country.
Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
The reason I asked that question is sometimes things look worse on tv than it actually was. Because as TC has said there seems to be more going on here. Was there bruises or visiable signs that lasted days? Did she have trouble walking,sitting or just moving around? I said before I thought the judge needed to calm down before he would punish his daughter. The reason to ask these questions is many of us have seen a short video on tv about a police officer/officers roughing up someone but if it would have shown more you would have seen it was justified. Also some judges kids think they can do nothing wrong so she may have been pushing her buttons for a long time. This just opens up a lot of questions much like as what is going on at Penn St right now.starbase_318 wrote:You may have missed this post by another poster.farmer wrote: I hadn't heard but was the girl actually physically injured during this?
Did I say she would become a serial killer? No.....I said it is well documented serial killers were developed by adults who physically, sexually or emotionally abused them...![]()
Noone knows the breaking point. Best not abuse kids for that reason, don't you think.
Where there is smoke there is fire, eh! I guess the guy could have snapped to cause him to lose his freakin mind to beat the tar out of her and she was lucky enough to have caught it on tape on this isolated incident.
Would you subject your pet to this sort of treatment, if it pissed in your house or didn't follow your COMMANDS?
Would you actually take a switch and/or belt to your child, because they did something you didn't like? Under what circumstance would you beat your child? They didn't eat, dirty room, didn't do assigned chores, got drunk and/or high, having sex....etc...
Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
Please do not disparage what you , obviously, do not understand.............. :12224
- SEOPS Hippo
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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
I understand physchological damage, but you dont get it from one whipping. People nowdays have to have something to blame for their problems its the "in" thing to do right now. Now do I think some people have those problems yea I do, but is it the huge majority that claim they do, no not by a long shot.
See thats you you are trying to psychoanalyze everything instead of using common sense and rational thought when looking at this video.
See thats you you are trying to psychoanalyze everything instead of using common sense and rational thought when looking at this video.
Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
A spanking is a spanking this is not just corporal punishment. This a-hole judge needs shot in the face. That is abuse.
Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
Wow, a sign of the end times........Tuck will be happy!!!...........I agree with Boonie!!!!!..................
................ :12224

- Varsity
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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
Farmer: Are you suggesting there could be an instance where it would be justified to take a leather strap and beat a child and/or an adult? There may very well be more to the story. How long has this child endured abuse from the "GOOD" judge? Is the "GOOD" judge an alcoholic who lashes out when drunk? Has the "GOOD" judge acted like a neanderthal to his wife when she didn't conform to his demands/commands? Do we really need sitting judges who lose their cool when their "BUTTONS" have been pushed? I understand some of what you are saying though. Some video's can be misleading. IMO, this isn't one of the videos. This video shows a grown man going off on his child with a belt.
I, too, was whipped with switches and belts. Every one of the "whippings" left physical marks and a whole lot of anger. Maybe, corporal punishment was taken out of school because some were a little overzealous about beating children.
I, too, was whipped with switches and belts. Every one of the "whippings" left physical marks and a whole lot of anger. Maybe, corporal punishment was taken out of school because some were a little overzealous about beating children.
- Varsity
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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
I'd like to throw this out there for all who are voicing their opinions on this topic. Firstly, I'm not accusing any fellow posters of abuse or even condoning such treatment. I do believe, however, we have very differences of opinion as to what constitutes abuse.
I would like to hear circumstances to where it would be warranted for an adult to whip a child with a belt and/or switch.
I would like to hear circumstances to where it would be warranted for an adult to whip a child with a belt and/or switch.
Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
IMHO, there is no such time............... :12224
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 28648
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Re: Texas Judge savagely beats 16 year old daughter
Lets see if they have already been warned a couple times yet continue the behavior that would be a good time to switch them. As a youngster stealing, uh fighting, cursing at parents, or things like that. Big things or as a last resort if other measures have failed.