Logan Football 2013

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by Ironman88 »

Just want to say logan should thank coach wolfe for sticking around. I played against him and some of his staff members coach Amyx left on top with little talent coming and wolfe stayed usually takes a new coach 5 years to establish a program unless program is loaded.So don't expect things to get better over night wolfe was over half way through the bad times so get ready to start over and it will be tougher on and outsider with the lack of support logan showed one of it's own coach wolfe had passion for logan football hope you all get what you asked for because the rest of southern ohio has seen your true colors in chieftain county. Good luck coach wolfe

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by C-Bolt »

I give Wolfe a lot of credit he is not a quitter! I admire him for this trait.Ironmen 24 didn't Jackson quit on one of their own a few years back with Wolford? I remember reading nasty comments on here people were making about him back then. This kind of stuff is not a Logan only problem

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by Logangrad »

Totally off base, let's get back to our new beginning of the rebirtth of Logan Football

Right, funny how the TRUTH is off base but the lie being told is just overlooked. :shock:

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by Ironman88 »

Wolford resigned but yes where unhappy about his time as coach his hiring was a little controversial but i believe jackson was in better shape when Andy and Larry hall came in with more talent than Logan has in its program right now. Jackson went 5-5 and you have heard some complaining but sometimes players just don't work and compete up to the level of competition they play even coachs have distractions but if players don't play all out or just don't have enough athletic ability it's not the coaches fault. I thought logan should of beaten Jackson this year just didn't have enough speed to finish the runs that were broken into secondary.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by moonshine »

I have a freind (His Name is Coach Wm. Young) who was a very successful High school Football Coach at 3 different schools in the eastern PA area. Talked to him yesterday and I ask him what are some of the questions he has been asked when interviwing for a new job. The following are some of the more interesting questions that he was ask!

1. Why do you want to coach here?
2. What is your football philosophy?
3.Can you explain in detail what your typical Tuesday practice will be like?
4. What steps will you take to improve the overall grades of your players?
5. Tell us about your discipline policy?
6. What are your two most prominent mistakes you have made during your coaching career?
7. What is your off season conditioning program like?
8. How will you handle an irate parent questioning a players playing time?
9. How do you define success for the youth, Jr. high, freshman, Junior Varsity and Varsity programs?
10. How will you incresse particpation in the program?

Of course there are many more and different types of possible questions which could be ask, again these are just a few!
Last edited by moonshine on Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by Logangrad »

Just curious how many times you and this "friend" speak about the same topic, because this is the 3rd time youve posted this.... :122246

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by moonshine »

Has a timeline been developed for the process of hiring the next head football coach of the Logan Chieftains?

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by LHS 72 »

moonshine wrote:I have a freind (His Name is Coach Wm. Young) who was a very successful High school Football Coach at 3 different schools in the eastern PA area. Talked to him yesterday and I ask him what are some of the questions he has been asked when interviwing for a new job. The following are some of the more interesting questions that he was ask!

1. Why do you want to coach here?
2. What is your football philosophy?
3.Can you explain in detail what your typical Tuesday practice will be like?
4. What steps will you take to improve the overall grades of your players?
5. Tell us about your discipline policy?
6. What are your two most prominent mistakes you have made during your coaching career?
7. What is your off season conditioning program like?
8. How will you handle an irate parent questioning a players playing time?
9. How do you define success for the youth, Jr. high, freshman, Junior Varsity and Varsity programs?
10. How will you incresse particpation in the program?

Of course there are many more and different types of possible questions which could be ask, again these are just a few!
If this is the same Coach Young we had back in the late 60's and early 70's , he was a very outstanding Grad assistance from OU

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Re: Logan Football 2013


moonshine wrote:I have a freind (His Name is Coach Wm. Young) who was a very successful High school Football Coach at 3 different schools in the eastern PA area. Talked to him yesterday and I ask him what are some of the questions he has been asked when interviwing for a new job. The following are some of the more interesting questions that he was ask!

1. Why do you want to coach here?
2. What is your football philosophy?
3.Can you explain in detail what your typical Tuesday practice will be like?
4. What steps will you take to improve the overall grades of your players?
5. Tell us about your discipline policy?
6. What are your two most prominent mistakes you have made during your coaching career?
7. What is your off season conditioning program like?
8. How will you handle an irate parent questioning a players playing time?
9. How do you define success for the youth, Jr. high, freshman, Junior Varsity and Varsity programs?
10. How will you incresse particpation in the program?

Of course there are many more and different types of possible questions which could be ask, again these are just a few!
Moon, lots of powerhouse highschool football over there. What teams did he coach? Was it around the Philly area?

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by Logangrad »

Some good coaches out there. We were sitting around last week and wondered who may be the next coach.....Some potential candidates that are nothing more than a conversation had with 4 people....AGAIN, LET ME STATE THIS AGAIN; THIS IS NOTHING MORE THAN WHAT 4 PEOPLE THREW OUT AT EACH OTHER!!!! :122249 These guys all HAVE CURRENT COACHING POSITIONS AND WE WERE MERELY SPECULATING!! NOTHING MORE!!

John Smith, Bexley (Former Logan standout at center, Mount Union Grad and national champion. Had several playoff runs with team prior to Bexley)
Alex Penrod, Def. Cord, Gallia (Former Logan QB, has looked good coaching Gallia D)
Dale Amyx, Retired, Logan Legend (Resume speaks for itself)
Sean Arno, HC Alexander (Took the Spartans from doormats to the TVC Title and a couple of playoff appearances)
Steve Coate, Jonathan Alder HC (Former Logan HC, has had great success at JA. Would the Logan faithful welcome him home?)
Ron Hinton, Chillicothe HC (Led Amanda Clearcreek to State Title, been under achieving at Chilly)


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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by indianabuck »

I think this question should be answered first...Is there going to be any teaching openings. Last I had heard Logan schools had a hiring freeze due to finances. Has that been lifted? If it has not, they will have to hire from inside. If it has been lifted, what teaching positions are open?

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by moonshine »

I hope Mike Carter from Johnstown would be intersted!

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by 1987chieftains »

just a spark of fun/fantasy here to lighten things up.....
what is 1 name that that could really light a fire into logan football??
this person has never coached hs football, but has played in the nfl and for osu.......
problaby would never coach hs football. but man!! wouldnt it be great!! i think the kids would line up to play for him.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by 3morethan2 »

If your talking about mike vrabel, then yes I think he could light a fire into the program.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by javagt »

They should hire nothing less than a experienced head coach.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by loganlocos »

indianabuck wrote:I think this question should be answered first...Is there going to be any teaching openings. Last I had heard Logan schools had a hiring freeze due to finances. Has that been lifted? If it has not, they will have to hire from inside. If it has been lifted, what teaching positions are open?
There are a lot of potential head coaches who wouldn't need a teaching position at LHS. In fact, at least two on the list Logan_grad put together would fall into that category.

Some of this staff WILL stay on. Too many established coaches, who are teachers in the district, and will get the first cracks at jobs. And for the record, many of those coaches have proven they can be great assistant coaches.
Last edited by loganlocos on Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by moonshine »

LoganLocos wrote:
indianabuck wrote:I think this question should be answered first...Is there going to be any teaching openings. Last I had heard Logan schools had a hiring freeze due to finances. Has that been lifted? If it has not, they will have to hire from inside. If it has been lifted, what teaching positions are open?
There are a lot of potential head coaches who wouldn't need a teaching position at LHS. In fact, at least two on the list Logan_grad put together would fall into that category.

Some of this staff WILL stay on. Too many established coaches, who are teachers in the district, and will get the first cracks at jobs. And for the record, many of those coaches have proven they can be great booty't coaches.

And yes with the right head coach!

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by 1987chieftains »

1987chieftains wrote:just a spark of fun/fantasy here to lighten things up.....
what is 1 name that that could really light a fire into logan football??
this person has never coached hs football, but has played in the nfl and for osu.......
problaby would never coach hs football. but man!! wouldnt it be great!! i think the kids would line up to play for him.
BOBBY CARPENTER, imagine the rivialry, logan vs lancaster, son vs dad.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by klaw10 »

You would think those involved with the decision to let Coach Wolfe go would already have a short list of candidates they have a high degree of confidence they will be able to land. At least that is how most well ran businesses and school districts would approach. Based on the results of Logan's basketball search my guess that is not the case.

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Re: Logan Football 2013

Post by noreply66 »

klaw10 wrote:You would think those involved with the decision to let Coach Wolfe go would already have a short list of candidates they have a high degree of confidence they will be able to land. At least that is how most well ran businesses and school districts would approach. Based on the results of Logan's basketball search my guess that is not the case.
Logan probably new Helber was going to be their man and didn't need a list of candidates.

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