Chief02 wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2019 9:05 am
Yeah, it’s getting depressing to see the kids have nothing to fight for during the season. There is a lot to be said in “belonging” to something and being a part of something.
I hate to beat a dead horse, and I have said this so many times previously. But to think there is a not an option for Logan in SEO is mind boggling to me. It absolutely has to be difficult not belonging to a league, and the reasons they aren't invited are crystal clear to any objective person.
Every team I was ever on first set of goals was to win a league title. It was understood the play-offs took care of themselves if you took care of business, but every coach always preached about winning a league title. If the OVC had enough sack to invite in Ironton, y'all up north ought to figure this out.