Logan Youth Dual Tournament Results

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Logan Youth Dual Tournament Results

Post by tric118 »

1st Delta
2nd Lancaster
3rd Mason
4th Fairfield Union
5th Tri-Valley
6th Mount Healthy
7th Nelsonville-York
8th Bloom Carroll
the following teams also competed but did not place
New Lexington

Delta has some tough kids The Mattin kids are studs.
68 lb class Noah Mattin beat Colt Yinger Nelsonville-York 2-0 in a great match Noah is 9 Colt is 8. Noah also beat Drew Hobbs Mason 3-0. Great weekened for Noah

N-Y wrestlers with top records I am doing this from memory I hope it is correct.

47lbs Collin Yinger 3-2
54lbs Travis Meeks 3-2
61 lbsTyler Speelman 4-1
68 lbs Colt Yinger 4-1
96 lbs Wes Hardy 3-2
118 lbs Matt Carter 3-2
Bryce Smathers 4-1 just missed going 5-0 lost 7-5 with 5 seconds left.
other wrestlers that competed and did well
Brandon Howard
Levi Wickman
Reece Gold
Dillion Hickman
Derek Tolliver
Seth Davis
Justin Gamerdinger
Ryan Williams
Chase Williams
Joey Howard

Lancaster was strong in the upper weights.

Overall great event.

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Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:10 am

Post by tric118 »

Won 96-9 Groveport
Won 100-15 Bloom Carroll
Won 100-18 Logan
Won 96-18 Nelsonville
Won 79-22 Mason
Won 73-30 Lancaster

Lost 63-47 Bloom Carroll
Won 78-42 Groveport
Lost 100-18 Delta
Lost 57-45 Trimble
Won 57-38 New Lexington

Bloom Carroll
Won 63-47 Logan
Lost 100-15 Delta
Won 60-24 Groveport
Lost 81-24 Lancaster
Lost 58-41 Tri-Valley
Lost 59-38 Nelsonville

Lost 96-9 Delta
Lost 78-42 Logan
Lost 60-24 Bloom Carroll
Lost 78-18 Loudonville

Mt. Healthy
Won 57-47 Fairfield Union
Won 87-15 Trimble
Lost 56-43 Mason
Won 40-82 Nelsonville
Lost 54-53 Tri-Valley

Fairfield Union
Lost 57-47 Mt. Healthy
Won 80-16 Trimble
Won 70-28 Tri-Valley
Lost 55-28 Lancaster
Lost 41-50 Mason

Lost 87-15 Mt. Healthy
Lost 80-16 Fairfield Union
Won 57-45 Logan
Lost 65-45 Loudonville

Lost 36-41 Tri-Valley
Won 76-12 New Lexington
Won 56-43 Mt. Healthy
Won 41-50 Fairfield Union
Lost 79-22 Delta

Won 36-41 Mason
Won 66-21 New Lexington
Lost 70-28 Fairfield Union
Won 58-41 Bloom Carroll
Won 54-53 Mt. Healthy

New Lexington
Lost 76-12 Mason
Lost 66-21 Tri-Valley
Lost 48-47 Loudonville
Lost 57-38 Logan

Won 50-18 Loudonville
Won 65-40 Nelsonville
Won 81-24 Bloom Carroll
Won 55-28 Fairfield Union
Lost 73-30 Delta

Lost 50-18 Lancaster
Lost 60-41 Nelsonville
Won 78-18 Groveport
Won 48-47 New Lexington
Won 65-45 Trimble

Lost 65-40 Lancaster
Won 60-41 Loudonville
Lost 96-18 Delta
Lost 40-82 Mt. Healthy
Won 59-38 Bloom Carroll

1st place: Delta
2nd place: Lancaster
3rd place: Mason
4th place: Fairfield Union

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Riding the Bench
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Post by Lil&BigBucksMom1 »

Great tournament!! Started on time and was finished by the promised time. Seemed to run smoothly. GREAT COMPETITION for the boys!!

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