Walls verbals to New Mexico State University

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Walls verbals to New Mexico State University

Post by JohnKnight »

Trevor will be playing in an offense he was born to run. Hall Mumme invented the Air Raid offense and it is perfect for Trevor Walls. He Verbally accepted an offer to be an Aggie in 2009. Grayshirt offer means his NCAA clock doesn't start until Jan of 2009.

A greyshirt works like this. You are given a scholarship. You are told you will greyshirt and still sign a scholarship letter of intent however the difference is, you only go to you first sememster of school as a part time credit taker. Meaning you take less then 12 credits. You are a part time studenth therefore you do not start your clock as a football player/team participant. You can not practice, be with the team at any capacity only you can go to class, lift on your own all you want and you can use the trainer however you must do it on your own. Once first semester is over, and the kid makes grades etc, he then is granted his scholarship starting 2nd semester. Then the following football season your time starts. You can redshirt still etc. You are a Greyshirt freshman. If a team makes a bowl game and once school ( first semester in this case) is over, a kid can practice with the team before the bowl game. The kid has to pay for the part time student credits in the first semester. The difference from a walk on is a walk on goes full time to school and then his clock starts first semester. He will practice with the team etc. Hope this helps explain the grayshirt. It can be a great thing for a kid who needs to grow, get better at his grades etc. He can go to see the coaches and sit in meetings if he wish' s but can not dress and practice. He can use the academic help as in study hall etc.

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Wish the big guy nothing but the best on and off the field from a fan.

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Post by ironman02 »

Congrats to Trevor and good luck at NMSU!

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Post by Gucci »

Congratulations Trevor! You deserve this opportunity and I wish you nothing but the best! It was a pleasure watching you play and now there are a few Aggie fans in southern Ohio.

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Post by 10mike »

Congrats to Trevor! I was fortunate enough to see Mr. Walls play on a couple of occasions and I knew then that he was Division 1 material. I figured the MAC schools would come running but then again this is SE Ohio. :mad: Trevor will have a chance to prosper while playing under Hall Mumme.

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Post by bengalfan76 »

OSU Quarterback was a greyshirt

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Walls will have a receiver I think will be great to throw to.

6-3, 178

Odessa, Texas (Permian High School)

Williams was a vital member of the Permian High School football team, leading the Panthers to a district championship as a senior, with a perfect 5-0 district record and a 9-4 overall record. Williams recorded a total of 626 yards from 33 catches and scored three touchdowns. His longest reception was 72-yards and he averaged 19-yards per catch. Currently, Williams owns the Tandem Offensive record set in 2006 for having over 100-yards receiving in a single game. He also is third in the Permian record books for receptions in a game with 10. For his efforts Williams was a 2006 first team all-district receiver and earned the team’s best receiver award. Initially, Williams signed with Texas Tech to be a sprinter on the track and field squad for the Red Raiders. He recorded a time of 10.4 in the 100-meter dash his senior year.

“LaVorick is a big play maker and has come up with some big catches in some big games. I think with his size, speed and character he has all the tools to becoming a solid Division I receiver. He is a great find for NMSU and we are happy that he found a great home.” Head Coach Darren Allman

http://www.nmstatesports.com/ViewArticl ... ID=1355123

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Post by sirwalterscott »

Congratulations Trevor!!! Best of luck in your college career on the field and in the classroom. It was a pleasure watching you for 3+ years! :-D

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Post by 72Xcurl »

Congrats Trevor. You have been a pleasure to watch and get to know for the past 3 seasons.

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Post by Frank Reagan »

Good for Mr. Walls and the Waverly community. I hope he likes sand and cactus. I was in New Mexico this summer and it seems like there's nothing else but those things. Oh, don't forget the scorpions and rattlesnakes. ;-)

All joking aside, it is beautiful country down there. I was in Socorro this summer, which is about 150 miles north of Las Cruces for a class at New Mexico Tech. I'd love to go back for another class or to visit. It sure gets hot down there.


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Post by bookem13 »

Well, it took a staff clear across the country to finally figure out that this kid can play, but I guess better late than never. Down the road, I think there's going to be quite a few coaches in this area who are going to wish they gave Trevor a harder look.

In any event, that's negative stuff. Today is a day for the positives...a D1 program that will utilize what this kid can do. I'm so excited for Trevor and his family, his teammates, and his coaches. Congrats to a classy kid who deserves everything he's getting right now.

P.S. I've already told him I'm crashing on his couch when I come out there to hunt mulies and elk! :)

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Grey Shirt

Post by Pol pot »

Actually a student can NOT take any classes. Your NCAA clock begins to run as soon as you attend your first class (5 calendar years to play 4), Full time student or not. So in order to be a grey shirt, you must sit school out entirely the fall quarter/semester. Now a real funny thing here, is the athlete can practice in two-a-days or any other time that school is not "officially" in session such as a bowl game that is held over a break between semesters.

Best of luck, and I personally think he will be able to be much more effective in that type of system.

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Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Congrats to the young man and best of luck in his collegiate carrer. Hopefully we'll get to see him on ESPN someday soon.

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Post by JohnKnight »

No a grayshirt can take classes part time, just not Full time status!

# What is "Grayshirting?"

“Grayshirting” is a term used in the recruiting process to describe situations in which a student-athlete delays initial enrollment in a collegiate institution to the winter or spring term after the traditional academic year begins. Students who “grayshirt” often use the fall to take classes part time or choose not to enroll in college at all. “Grayshirting” is not a formal designation by the NCAA or the National Letter of Intent program. If you are interested in “grayshirting” and signing a National Letter of Intent, it is important to review the applicable NLI provisions and to be aware of the informal nature of this commitment. A few NLI policies to review and consider are:

* NLI Provision 2 – Financial Aid Requirement
* NLI Provision 3 – Provisions of Letter Satisfied
* NLI Provision 7A (2) – Admissions Requirement
* NLI Provision 18 – Nullification of Other Agreements


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Post by Pol pot »

John, You are correct they must be part-time students. Sorry for the miss-information.

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Post by JohnKnight »


By rule, all student athletes begin their intercollegiate athletic career with an opportunity to participate in their sport of choice for four seasons over a five-year span. The NCAA's five-year "eligibility clock" officially starts when that student enrolls as a full-time student (12 or more semester units) for the first time, regardless of whether he/she participates on an athletic team.


Should an athlete make an appearance for any length of time (i.e., an at-bat in baseball, a down in football, a serve in volleyball) in an intercollegiate competition (i.e., in a contest versus a scheduled opponent representing another institution of equal standing), he/she has participated for one season.


A rising freshman who intends to participate on an athletic team in the future and enrolls in less than 12 units upon entering a post-secondary institution. Because the student is enrolled in less than 12 units, he/she is not considered a "full-time" student and therefore is ineligible for athletic competition. This option gives the rising freshman a chance to hold off on an official beginning to his/her athletic career, in effect providing an opportunity to participate in four seasons over a six-year span. A gray- shirt may be enrolled in the intercollegiate athletic team course and participate in practices and workouts; but may not be included on the team travel roster, nor receive any benefits provided to regular participants in the program.

http://athletics.hancockcollege.edu/Def ... p?Page=717

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Post by hilltopkid »

you have to get up awful early to fool Mr. Knight. Speaking of Mr. Knight, I see where your Uncle Bobby retired.lol

Best of luck to Trevor.
I really like the idea of the Greyshirt rule. I'm sure the schools do to. It secures a spot on the previous years recruiting roster and budget, yet it's done a year early and they can sit back and relax.That is, if the kid likes the school and gets the grades.
Does the first year of eligibilty go on the HS grades or do they count the college credits?I would assume the HS grades, since it's not stated how many hours they must take.So assuming this, would the kid have to be eligible grade wise to gray shirt? Meeting the sliding scale etc...? Again, I would assume so, b/c it would be difficult to meet the requirements of a normal fr, getting 24 hours or whatever it is nowadays.

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Post by JohnKnight »

This is what the NCAA says

14.1.8 F ull-Time Enrollment. Requirement for Practice. To be eligible to participate in organized practice sessions, a studentathlete
shall be enrolled in a minimum full-time program of studies leading to a baccalaureate or equivalent degree
as defined by the regulations of the certifying institution. The violation shall be considered an institutional
violation per Constitution 2.8.1; however, it shall not affect the student-athlete’s eligibility. (Revised: 1/10/92,
10/28/99) Practice Prior to Initial Enrollment. A student-athlete may practice during the official
vacation period immediately preceding initial enrollment, provided the student has been accepted by the
institution for enrollment in a regular, full-time program of studies at the time of the individual’s initial participation;
is no longer enrolled in the previous educational institution; and is eligible under all institutional
and NCAA requirements. Drop/Add Course. A student-athlete no longer shall be considered enrolled in a minimum
full-time program of studies (after dropping a course that places the student below full-time status) when
the dropped course becomes official in accordance with procedures determined by the institution for all
students. A student who is adding a course to reach full-time status shall become eligible for practice and
competition once the course has been approved by the appropriate department head (or designated representative)
and submitted to the registrar. (Adopted: 1/10/92) Exception—Final Semester/Quarter. A student-athlete with athletics eligibility remaining
may participate in organized practice sessions while enrolled in less than a minimum full-time program
of studies, provided the student is enrolled in the final semester or quarter of the baccalaureate program and
the institution certifies that the student is carrying (for credit) the courses necessary to complete the degree
requirements, as determined by the faculty of the institution. Withdrawal or Dismissal. A student-athlete who withdraws or is dismissed from an institution
is considered to be a prospective student-athlete eligible for recruitment by other NCAA member
institutions and may not continue to practice with the original institution’s team. Exception—Practice during First Week of Class. A student-athlete may practice, but
may not compete, during the institution’s first five days of classes if the student-athlete is enrolled in less
than a minimum full-time program of studies, provided the student is otherwise eligible under all institutional,
conference and NCAA requirements. (Adopted: 1/10/95 effective 8/1/95)

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Post by TrojanXplosion »

Thats really good to hear that he got in to a DI school. Would have liked to have seen him get a spot closer to home so I could whatch him play but oh well. ESPN Gameplan is a wonderful thing.

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Post by bookem13 »

True Falcon...15 years ago if you went away to play, nobody could follow you. Now, with all the sports packages and internet broadcasting, we should be able to follow him regularly.

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