3d Annual Good, Better, Best Varsity Instructors of Basketba

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Joined: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:00 pm

3d Annual Good, Better, Best Varsity Instructors of Basketba

Post by tobiasunderwood »

My apologies my fellow transcribers for my tardiness in the release of the rankings. My recent illness is to blame, but am now in good health and ready to take up again my obligations to you and the Southeasternohiopreps devoted.

This year I have decided to include girls Varsity Instructors of Basketball into these rankings without creating another thread. I know energetically that you will agree, but welcome your thoughts and opinions. They are as follows:


Eastern Brown (boys & girls)Varsity Instructor of Basketball
Whiteoak Varsity (boys) Instructor of Basketball
Western Latham Varsity Instructor of Basketball (boys)
Fayettville Varsity Instructor of Basketball (girls)


Manchester Varsity Instructor of Basketball (boys & girls)
North Adams Varsity Instructor of Basketball (boys & girls)
Ripley Varsity Instructor of Basketball (girls)
Farifield Varsity Instructor of Basketball (boys)
Peebles Varsity Instructor of Basketball (girls)
West Union Varsity Instructor of Basketball (girls)
Fayettville Varsity Instructor of Basketball (boys)


Lynchburg Clay Varsity Instructor of Basketball (boys)
West Union Varsity Instructor of Basketball (boys)
Peebles Varsity Instructor of Basketball (boys)
Ripley Varsity Instructor of Basketball (boys)

If you were unobserved this year continue in your chosen craft, keep striving forward and quite possibly you will receive your just owing next year.

Many happy returns to those of you that were promoted from the needs improvement grouping from last season!

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