Satan's Soldiers

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Satan's Soldiers

Post by noreply66 »

A Saudi Arabian cleric denounced the beloved Disney character,Mickey Mouse, as one of Satan's Soldiers who is trying to trick Muslim children into loving mice. "According to Islamic law, Mickey Mouse should be killed in all cases," said Sheikh Muhammad Munajid.

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Re: Satan's Soldiers

Post by robycop3 »

More intelligence from a buncha diaper-heads who can't even feed themselves or produce enough potable water for themselves.

Wonder how many of those idiots know the "Allah" they worship is actually the MOON GOD?

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Re: Satan's Soldiers

Post by robycop3 »

What don'tcha agree with, Hammerdown? Worshipping Allah at all, or that "he" is the moon god?

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Re: Satan's Soldiers

Post by Knowbody »

They will tell you that he is the same God we worship, but that they worship him properly. So . . . be careful not believing in Allah. I would. I just won't worship Him the way that violent sadists say I should.

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Re: Satan's Soldiers

Post by Brutus8907 »

Allah, the Christian God and the Jewish God are all one in the same. Allah is the Arabic word for "God" or "the God" insinuating that they believe in one true God just as Christians and Jews do. the only difference is Muslims and Jews do not believe Jesus was the son of God as Christians do, they recognize him as a prophet, but not the son of God.

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Re: Satan's Soldiers

Post by Brutus8907 »

no, Allah does not tell them to kill in his name. Muslim terrorists are extremists and have interpreted the word of God to reflect their own views in order to justify their actions, just like the Westboro Baptist Church and other Christian nutjobs that claim "God hates fags" and all that BS.

and you might wanna skim your Bible again, Jesus is not God, Jesus is God's son sent to die for the sins of mankind. i'm not even that keen on Christianity and I know that.

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Re: Satan's Soldiers

Post by RamRodBulldogs44 »

hammerdown wrote:
Brutus8907 wrote:Allah, the Christian God and the Jewish God are all one in the same. Allah is the Arabic word for "God" or "the God" insinuating that they believe in one true God just as Christians and Jews do. the only difference is Muslims and Jews do not believe Jesus was the son of God as Christians do, they recognize him as a prophet, but not the son of God.

don't they say allah tells them to kill people and they kill in allah'name?

Jesus is God so they can't be the same.and i don't think Jesus is NOT going to tell people to go out and terrorize like they do.

the Bible says you deny one you deny the other.

Ok, let's clear some things up. Jesus is the Son of God, yet He is also God. They are one in the same, just as the Holy Spirit is (The Holy Trinity). But, also one should not say that they don't expect a person to understand. That is what makes people hate us Christians. Jesus, calls us to love everyone not push them away. And also, I do not agree with all of Islam, but, I love'em. Why you ask? Because as a follower of Jesus Christ I am directed to do that. If you have time read Luke 6:27-42.

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