WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

The Filthy One
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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by The Filthy One »

Ok....good luck with that

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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by Spartan »

Good luck

s&w 7
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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by s&w 7 »

mt11 if you are that into getting BIGGER FASTER STRONGER then u dont need to be on the computer. First you need in the class room then you need in the weight room!!!

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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by Steely Dan »

Come on folks, let's be honest with each other. It is quite obvious here, that someone has been hitting the airplane glue a little too hard.................... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by eastern 2 »

lol Nice one steely dan...i think its spray paint or something. I know it has to be really strong. Either that or he is just stupid. My 1st grade sister can spell bigger faster and stronger. To me it looks like we dont have to worry about mt11 playing football next year. Personally i dont think he will have the grades in any class to play!

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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by Orestes »

That's G

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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by Purple Gold »

Mike shut up and just prove yourself on the field. Your making yourself look like an idiot.

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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by Steely Dan »

Boy PG, you are really sticking your neck out there admitting that you know who the numbskull is who has been receiving all of the negative feedback........

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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by Super Fresh »

How many names does this kid have?

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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

I have three words for you mt11......


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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by distance40 »

if your gonna be so good, why don't you aim a little higher than the TVC Hocking

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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!


This is exactly the reason I dont post on this site anymore
1)This aint your personal blog dude-NOBODY CARES-we are here 2 critique-not learn the weight schedule
2) There is way 2 many high school kids on here-no prob with them being on here but lets keep it professional
3)Learn 2 spell b4 you post-otherwise you look like an idiot-its called dictionary.com-use it for those big words like Bigger, Stronger, and Says-lol

PS-Thanks 4 the warning-now heres mine
Warning-You should hit the books
Otherwise youll be outside the lines in 2009

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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by Cobra »

MOBSTERMAN wrote:This is exactly the reason I dont post on this site anymore
1)This aint your personal blog dude-NOBODY CARES-we are here 2 critique-not learn the weight schedule
2) There is way 2 many high school kids on here-no prob with them being on here but lets keep it professional
3)Learn 2 spell b4 you post-otherwise you look like an idiot-its called dictionary.com-use it for those big words like Bigger, Stronger, and Says-lol

PS-Thanks 4 the warning-now heres mine
Warning-You should hit the books
Otherwise youll be outside the lines in 2009

I still enjoy this site very much, but I will have to admit that SEOPS has declined in quality over the past several months. I think since the mods have stoped reviewing register request SEOPS has allowed people to gain multiple names. Someone can just go get another name when people get mad at them for offensive posts. I can think of a couple of these right off the top of my head, but when you are limited to one name on the site, people watch what the say quite a bit more. SEOPS is still a good site but I think its not as good as it was a year ago.

Mercerville Monster
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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by Mercerville Monster »

I still enjoy this site very much, but I will have to admit that SEOPS has declined in quality over the past several months. I think since the mods have stoped reviewing register request SEOPS has allowed people to gain multiple names. Someone can just go get another name when people get mad at them for offensive posts. I can think of a couple of these right off the top of my head, but when you are limited to one name on the site, people watch what the say quite a bit more. SEOPS is still a good site but I think its not as good as it was a year ago.

Exactly what I have been thinking for a few weeks now. When you see a thread you want to rean and you scroll down and see about 10 posts that kids have wrote that are completely off topic it makes you not wantto read the post. I wish it would go back to the old way to where you have one username and thats it. You dont get another chance. People took posting ALOT more serious then. But I have to say, it is still my favorite website.

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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by g w mclintock »

Very well stated MM.

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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by M0TIVAT0R »

Never been much on sensorship myself. Some of this stuff is pretty funny actually. I look forward to reading the comical stuff, as well as the serious stuff. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the profanity. But I think the mods do a good job of getting rid of that stuff quickly. My one question is how do you know someone has more than one name? Better yet, why would anyone want more than one name? It's all anonymous on here, so why would they need more than one? The ones who don't care if people know who they are let it be known, and the others don't. I guess I am missing something here.

Mercerville Monster
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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by Mercerville Monster »

My one question is how do you know someone has more than one name? Better yet, why would anyone want more than one name? It's all anonymous on here, so why would they need more than one? The ones who don't care if people know who they are let it be known, and the others don't. I guess I am missing something here.

I guess when you have been on SEOPS long enough you get the SEOPS instinct and thats how you tell if someone has more than one name. :lol: Its hard to explain in all seriousness but you can tell who does. Usually the people who let you know who they are on here are the ones with multiple names. That way they look good under that name but then bash under another.

The one and only way to fix it for sure would be establish a 1-5 dollar membership charge. Everyone that has an account now can stay for free but once you get booted that is when you are gonna start coughing it up to get a new username. Let them get booted then two or three times and then people will start thinking about what they say.

Steely Dan
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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!

Post by Steely Dan »

MM - I couldn't agree more. It has gotten pretty bad on here since around the end of football season. Would be nice to put some controls in place to stop the multiple user names.

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Re: WARNING To the TVC Hocking!


We no longer accept open email accounts. That was where most our problems were coming from. Mostly Yahoo emails. We have removed over 100 posters who were causing alot of problems.

One thing you can do. When you see Profanity, or someone who you think is out of line, copy it and or the link, and send it to a Moderator.

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