Waterford Bank Inv.

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Freshman Team
Posts: 104
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2007 8:35 am

Waterford Bank Inv.

Post by tsracer91 »

Waterford places 2nd behind Crooksville by only 4 points, but Waterford finishes 4-0 in the dual format. Not too sure how the scoring went, but that was the end result. 103# champ-Efaw, 112# champ-Reed, 119 2nd-Crock,125 Tie-Brown(which never lost a match), 130# champ-Miller, 135 2nd-L. Smith, 140# champ-J. Smith, 145 2nd-Kerns, 189# champ-Bauerbach. Reed won the quickest pin in 11 sec., with Miller posting one in 13 sec.. Reed also won the MVW. Congradulation to all wrestlers.

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