Why the hurry?

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Why the hurry?

Post by pipetteman »

At the rules interpretation meeting attended by both coaches and umpires a point of emphasis was made about the 20 second rule. The batter has 10 seconds to take her position in the box and the pitcher has the other 10 seconds to pitch the ball. It has bugged me for some time that this time limit has been stressed. Most of the umpires tend to let the game proceed at will but there are a few who insist on speeding it up by enforcing the rule or at least pressing the players with undue pressure. Is an hour and a half too long for a varsity softball game? Well pitched games can be even shorter. At Jackson we pay an umpire $60 per game. If the game ends after an hour and a half this works out to $40/hr. Thats about what a nuclear chemist makes ;-) . I'm sure most umpires feel this is very good per hour pay but a few must not. Do we really need to emphasize the speeding up of the game? Are some really that stressed for time that they feel the need to inforce such a rule? Enough of a rant...just decided to get some things out in my last year at the helm.

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Re: Why the hurry?

Post by ItownHosscat »

I agree,whats the hurry.Most High school games last an hour and 15 mins to 2 hours tops,most hovering arond the 1 and a half mark.

Pipetteman,even though I am from Ironton I will say you have made a difference in your girl play.
Hope you win em all,with the exception of the Ironton games of course.

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Re: Why the hurry?

Post by abuck76 »

I like the rule....Lets play!........... :12224

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Re: Why the hurry?

Post by buckeye221 »

Well its obvious they had to make this rule because you know there will always be somebody out there somewhere that will take foreverrrrrr and delay the game on purpose. Both from the hitting and pitching stand point. However, I have rarely seen the umps enforce it unless there is something obvious going on. Sorry that you have seen so many make it a big deal :122248 . But I agree about the pay per hour when you break it down, quick way to get some cash! I say they deserve to get paid that much because of some of the crazy comments they must endure from the stands hehe (well okay, some of the comments are deserved from time to time!)

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Re: Why the hurry?

Post by bulkmove »

If they want to speed up the game, quit giving pitchers 20 pitches to warm up with every inning. That drives me nuts!

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Re: Why the hurry?

Post by noreply66 »

watchout for that change-up

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