Hello Everyone!
I spoke with Coach Greenlee today and we have decided to set our first meeting for next Wednesday, November 4th, at 7:30 pm, in Grover Center Room W129 (the conference room we normally meet in).
It is very important that you attend (or send a representative to) this meeting, because we will be going over the rules and making any necessary changes, and also making plans for the future of the league. The rules have been attached for you to review. Please keep in mind that these are from last year, so the dates will change.
Please keep in mind that if you are planning to be a part of this league that it was not set-up for the sole purpose of having the championship tournament in the Convo. I worked hard to set this up so that kids in this area would have a chance to get more mat time in than just in practice. Some parents do not like sitting in tournaments for 8 to 10 hours a day, nor can some of the families in this area afford them. I set this league up so that teams could compete in dual meets and the kids could experience wrestling someone other than their practice partner. Dual meets are no longer than a basketball or football game, and families can afford them. Coach Greenlee was kind enough to let us use the Convo for the tournament in addition to the dual meets (it's the icing on the cake...so to say). So, it is imperative that you attend the meetings, schedule and attend your dual meets, and follow the rules (that we all set-up together as a group).
I know the rules state that a member team must only participate in at least one dual meet in order to participate in the championship tournament, but a couple teams actually only scheduled one dual meet last year. You need to schedule several and if winter weather conditions hinder some of the meets, then that's understandable. However, an effort must be made to schedule more duals and attend the meetings.
Also, please note that the tournament fee will have to increase this year, because OU custodial staff are now required to clean-up at the tournament. Coach Greenlee will also secure concessions, so parents will not be able to bring food into the Convo. This will save a lot of the mess that is left-over after the tournament.
Any questions, just let me know!
See you all next Wednesday!
- Janey