TNA Screw Job

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TNA Screw Job

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Did anyone see the end of TNA last night where they basically recreated the Montreal Screwjob? It was ridculous they had Earl Hepner ring the bell, Hogan came out, and Angle spit in his face saying screw you Im going back to Vince I quit. Seriously if this is the way TNA is trying to make itself better it has failed EPICALLY. The show starts off by having a heel AJ Styles come out with Flair and talk. Flair gold on mic as usual. AJ sucks on the mic. He tried to use a Flair line and muffed it badly. Not to mention you got the Nasty Boys and Orlando Jordan wrestling. OJ sucks and the Nastys havent been good since Knobbs knocked on Hogan and Linda bedroom door and whisper, "Hey Hulk want to watch Wrestlemania 3?" They they break up the beautiful people. Whats up with that? They were awesome and you break them up. Angelina should have came back and kicked out Lacey "I belong to one of the greatest wrestling families in world and I cant even throw a punch right" Von Erich. Honestly TNA is going down the tubes faster than a beer down my gullet.

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Re: TNA Screw Job

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

I knew TNA would screw itself when they announced Hogan signed with the company.

TNA is just a bunch of WWE rejects. Even a lot of the TNA stars we never seen on TV in WWE, were at one time developmental talent for the WWE that was let go instead of called up to the main roster.

The more air time given to Hogan, Flair, Foley, Bischoff, NWO, etc. etc., the less time TNA has to feature its young talent. Sounds like WCW all over again to me!

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Re: TNA Screw Job

Post by Tigercannon71 »

I dont mind Foley or Flair. Those guys actually try to help the younger guys. Flair with AJ will help because AJ cant talk on the mic. Hopefully this helps him learn. Thats only thing holding him back from main event status.
I agree with Eric, Hogan, NWO or the Band as the call themselves now. These are the guys along with Vince Russo who buried WCW. Dixie has to be a DA to let these guys come in.

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Re: TNA Screw Job

Post by Mad-Dogg »

i seen the end and it was pathetic

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Re: TNA Screw Job

Post by whitey »

WcW let the wrestlers, at least the wrong wrestlers, run the show and that took it into the dumper.
TNA is doing the same thing apparently.
ECW (Heyman) couldn't run a business and it folded.

I'm bored with WWE anymore, but you can't argue that the people in charge have kept it in wonderful shape for the last 30 years.

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Re: TNA Screw Job

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

TNA writers can't even come up with new gimmicks for these guys. Val Venus. Mr. Kennedy. etc. etc.

I mean come on, at least try to reinvent these guys.


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Re: TNA Screw Job

Post by Tigercannon71 »

This is getting horrible. TNA has gotten worse not better. They have some athletes use them not soem broken down has beens like the Nastys, Scott Hall, and X-Pac.

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