South Webster Youth Soccer Signups

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South Webster Youth Soccer Signups

Post by jeepcoach »

Dear Parents and Community,

With need for changes to the South Webster Youth Soccer Program, we have reorganized the league. The league is a non-profit community organization which is now run by a parent board. We wanted to do this so that there is more than one person trying to run the league alone. Also, we want there to be input by you and transparency of the board. There will be two signatures required from the board for any money spent. All funds will be recorded accurately and will be spent on the program and the kids. We will continue to be a part of Scioto Soccer League and also Ohio South Youth Soccer Association, which takes our program to the level that the children of this community deserve. With the continued support of the community, volunteers, and assistance from the South Webster High School Soccer Coaches, we will be able to teach our children new and improved skills. The new soccer program will have teams for children ages 3 to 15. There will be a U15 team which will be for Junior High age kids to help prepare them for High School Soccer. Our goal is to make the soccer program in South Webster the most fun and best experience possible for all.

Thank You,

South Webster Soccer Board (For more information contact President Ryan Dutiel 778-2396)

This year’s registration dates and age information will be as follows:

The ages for soccer will be from 3 years old to 15 years old. U15, U12, U10, and U8 will be wearing soccer uniforms which include soccer jersey, shorts, and socks; which is part of the registration fee. There is a small increase in the registration fees this year so that we can purchase new equipment, care for the fields, pay for insurance and provide a great league. There will also be no candy sales or other fundraisers that the kids have to sell. Also we will have a sign-up sheet for parents to buy shin guards and a soccer ball for $20.00. The U6 and U4 will be wearing shirts and have the same option to buy shin guards and an age appropriate soccer ball at the discount rate of $20.00.

Registration for U8-U15 will be $45.00 with a second child in one of the upper divisions will be $40.00.

Registration for U6-U4 will be $25.00 each.


Registration dates are:

Sunday May 16th at Bloom-Vernon Elementary from 2:00PM-4:00PM
Monday May 31st after the South Webster Memorial Day Parade by the Fire Station.
Saturday June 5th at Bloom-Vernon Elementary from 5:00PM-8:00PM

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