OHSH Division 1 and 2 Previews New Release Dates

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OHSH Division 1 and 2 Previews New Release Dates

Post by FaithnGod10 »

Ohio High School Hoops is announcing its new release dates for our Division 1 and 2 previews. We apologize up front, but we have pushed back our release dates.

Here is our new dates:
Division 2: November 3
Division 1: Novemer 12

We want to give you the best product possible, so we have pushed the dates back a few days. It has been really hectic lately, so we are sorry for any inconvenience. If we get the Division 2 done any earlier, we will certainly release it upon completion.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We, without a doubt, have the best readers, fans, and followers of any site. Thank you so much for all your support.

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