2011 ABL Rules

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2011 ABL Rules

Post by mattash »

ABL 2011
Basketball League RULES

• PLAYER ELIGIBILITY: 18 years of age and older as of May 1st, 2011. Must sign waiver and pay dues before playing, and agree to being responsible for damage and not holding the league, or school liable.

• PICK-UP PLAYERS: Players may not be picked up after 2nd game played. No pickups allowed after, unless approved by league Admin –(i.e. injuries)

• GAME: Must start with 4 players or will be a forfeit. If forfeit then can pick up players to play a pick up game. 5 minute over max wait time for 5th player to arrive. Game time is two 20 minute half’s (3 minute half time). Clock stops last 2 minutes of the game on Fouls/Free throws/Timeout if within 15 points. Will stop during 1st and 2nd half during timeouts, Overtime = 3 minutes, Timeouts = 3 per game and may carry over in OT but no new time outs awarded on OT. 6 Personal Fouls. (Technical will count as personal foul). Substitutions are made only on a dead ball. NO DUNKING ALLOWED AT ANY TIME! (Before, During, or After your Game). This includes any attempted or successful dunk with or without the ball. Grabbing or hanging on the rim, backboard, or net will carry the same penalty. (Technical Foul) All Technical Fouls = 2 shots plus ball at ½ court. League will carry a 5 second lane violation rule. 7 fouls is bonus – 10 fouls is double bonus.

• TECHNICAL RULE: 2 in one game is an ejection and a fine of $10 before playing next game, 4 totals during the regular season is a $20 fine before playing again. 5th T will be ejected from the league without refund. Playoffs will start the count over, 2 in one game will get ejected and a $10 fine before next game, 3 during the playoffs will get you ejected from league.


• ABUSE: Fighting, punching, kicking is auto dismissal from league. Verbal Abuse (extreme foul language) – could lead to dismissal from league without refund.

• TOURNEMENT: Single Elimination, seeding will be based on standings. Tie Breaker will be head to head, and then total points scored and last if needed coin flip.

• ADMIN: Admin (Matt Ashworth) has the right to override rules or create new rules if needed.

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