Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

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Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Everyone on here knows your stance on abortion, I mean how couldn't we since you bring it up on every topic even if it has nothing to do with abortion issues. You guys are very adamant in your posts calling us murderers, baby killers, and the like.

My questions to you both is this:

Do either of you actually do anything to help stop abortions? Do you belong to any organizations that are against abortions? Do you actively help any organization that is against Abortion? Do you donate any money to any organization that is against abortions? Do you man the phones and call people telling them about all the evils and that you consider anyone who isn't against abortion as a murderer and the scum of the Earth? Or do you just sit behind your little keyboard and rant and rave on a little web site chat room about it?

So what is it guys? And can you show proof you do any of the mentioned above?

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:Everyone on here knows your stance on abortion, I mean how couldn't we since you bring it up on every topic even if it has nothing to do with abortion issues. You guys are very adamant in your posts calling us murderers, baby killers, and the like.

My questions to you both is this:

Do either of you actually do anything to help stop abortions? Do you belong to any organizations that are against abortions? Do you actively help any organization that is against Abortion? Do you donate any money to any organization that is against abortions? Do you man the phones and call people telling them about all the evils and that you consider anyone who isn't against abortion as a murderer and the scum of the Earth? Or do you just sit behind your little keyboard and rant and rave on a little web site chat room about it?

So what is it guys? And can you show proof you do any of the mentioned above?
I come from a family of Democrats. I was once a Democrat. I am now a Republican.

Therefore, I understand how easily people of lower-socioeconomic stature can be made to believe that abortion is acceptable by the Democratic Party.

I wish there was a party that took into account the moral backbone of this country with the socio-economic good sense of helping others while maintaining a healthy national debt instead of this bloated one that we have.

I have answered your questions in the Boy Scout thread:

I pray everyday to God that we can turn our country around. I pray for our transgressions as a nation that we have fallen into the abyss with very few of us calling on God for assistance to pull us out of the deep hole. I sin everyday. I sin every hour of the day. Yet, I pray that he will forgive me so that I can continue the fight to help others in their own struggles.

This is the type of leadership that the Boy Scouts needs as well. They need somebody who can show them the moral way to live in order for these young, impressionable boys to become great leaders as men.

My uncle once had a barn full of baby cradles. These were given to him as a token of his donations to several Pro-Life organizations. I wanted to follow my uncle's lead. He once owned the largest dairy farm in Massachusetts. (He died in the 1980s.)

As a teacher, there are several pregnant students in my classroom each year. I implore to them the importance of being a strong parent as I do as a teacher for them. It is about moral guidance and not about moral indignation which normally leads to abortions.

Does that answer your question? I hope so because my life is full of twists and turns. I have lived 5 lifetimes it seems. I may have another 5 lifetimes left in me. Good or bad, I will have them accounted for when I die....and when I die, I want to stand there in front of God and tell him that I did my best to help others to achieve a moral lifestyle in His way. Have I made mistakes? Yes. Do I continue to make mistakes? Yes.

But, as Forrest Gump said, "I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is." I may not be a smart man, but I know the murder of another human being when I see one.

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan » more thing...

As a teacher, we are often asked "What do you make?"

Well, the ultimate response is that...

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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:
Burg_Grad_77 wrote:Everyone on here knows your stance on abortion, I mean how couldn't we since you bring it up on every topic even if it has nothing to do with abortion issues. You guys are very adamant in your posts calling us murderers, baby killers, and the like.

My questions to you both is this:

Do either of you actually do anything to help stop abortions? Do you belong to any organizations that are against abortions? Do you actively help any organization that is against Abortion? Do you donate any money to any organization that is against abortions? Do you man the phones and call people telling them about all the evils and that you consider anyone who isn't against abortion as a murderer and the scum of the Earth? Or do you just sit behind your little keyboard and rant and rave on a little web site chat room about it?

So what is it guys? And can you show proof you do any of the mentioned above?
I come from a family of Democrats. I was once a Democrat. I am now a Republican.

Therefore, I understand how easily people of lower-socioeconomic stature can be made to believe that abortion is acceptable by the Democratic Party.

I wish there was a party that took into account the moral backbone of this country with the socio-economic good sense of helping others while maintaining a healthy national debt instead of this bloated one that we have.

I have answered your questions in the Boy Scout thread:

I pray everyday to God that we can turn our country around. I pray for our transgressions as a nation that we have fallen into the abyss with very few of us calling on God for assistance to pull us out of the deep hole. I sin everyday. I sin every hour of the day. Yet, I pray that he will forgive me so that I can continue the fight to help others in their own struggles.

This is the type of leadership that the Boy Scouts needs as well. They need somebody who can show them the moral way to live in order for these young, impressionable boys to become great leaders as men.

My uncle once had a barn full of baby cradles. These were given to him as a token of his donations to several Pro-Life organizations. I wanted to follow my uncle's lead. He once owned the largest dairy farm in Massachusetts. (He died in the 1980s.)

As a teacher, there are several pregnant students in my classroom each year. I implore to them the importance of being a strong parent as I do as a teacher for them. It is about moral guidance and not about moral indignation which normally leads to abortions.

Does that answer your question? I hope so because my life is full of twists and turns. I have lived 5 lifetimes it seems. I may have another 5 lifetimes left in me. Good or bad, I will have them accounted for when I die....and when I die, I want to stand there in front of God and tell him that I did my best to help others to achieve a moral lifestyle in His way. Have I made mistakes? Yes. Do I continue to make mistakes? Yes.

But, as Forrest Gump said, "I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is." I may not be a smart man, but I know the murder of another human being when I see one.

Had to get that dig in didn't you.

And as for your answer, it's just what I expected. You do absolutely nothing but whine and complain and "pray" for it to end. Yeah, good luck with that. If you are so adamant about it then get up off your butt and actually do something. Ranting and raving on here and praying for it will do nothing. You are just an empty box as far as I'm concerned.

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

...and I am sure this is how you view educators as well... the video...

I make a difference!

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan »


Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan »


Photo courtesy of the Jackson Telegram The ACLU of Ohio has filed a lawsuit to have this portrait of Jesus Christ removed from the Jackson Middle School. ... s-portrait?

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

We do not stand alone.


Photo by Ryan Ottney | Daily Times F

Fr. Adam Streitenberger, of St. Mary Catholic Church, led participants of the Scioto County March for Life in prayer on the steps of the Scioto County Courthouse Saturday. ... oe-v--Wade?

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

We do not march alone!


Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan »


Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

...and my favorite...

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

"The world is winning.

People are sinning.

And evil's grinning."

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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

As usual a bunch of empty replies. Still has nothing to do with what you actually do. Are you in that picture from the courthouse? Were you at the March For Life. I see where lots of others are actually doing something, but what do you actually do besides make posts of videos and pictures?

Empty Box!

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:As usual a bunch of empty replies.
I do hope that you reconsider for the sake of your soul...

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Psalm 115

Not to us, O LORD, not to us,
But to Your name give glory
Because of Your lovingkindness, because of Your truth.

Why should the nations say,
“Where, now, is their God?”

But our God is in the heavens;
He does whatever He pleases.

Their idols are silver and gold,
The work of man’s hands.

They have mouths, but they cannot speak;
They have eyes, but they cannot see;

They have ears, but they cannot hear;
They have noses, but they cannot smell;

They have hands, but they cannot feel;
They have feet, but they cannot walk;
They cannot make a sound with their throat.

Those who make them will become like them,
Everyone who trusts in them.

O Israel, trust in the LORD;
He is their help and their shield.

O house of Aaron, trust in the LORD;
He is their help and their shield.

You who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD;
He is their help and their shield.

The LORD has been mindful of us; He will bless us;
He will bless the house of Israel;
He will bless the house of Aaron.

He will bless those who fear the LORD,
The small together with the great.

May the LORD give you increase,
You and your children.

May you be blessed of the LORD,
Maker of heaven and earth.

The heavens are the heavens of the LORD,
But the earth He has given to the sons of men.

The dead do not praise the LORD,
Nor do any who go down into silence;

But as for us, we will bless the LORD
From this time forth and forever.
Praise the LORD!

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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:
Burg_Grad_77 wrote:As usual a bunch of empty replies.
I do hope that you reconsider for the sake of your soul...

My soul is just fine EB.

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:
Kentucky Trojan wrote:
Burg_Grad_77 wrote:As usual a bunch of empty replies.
I do hope that you reconsider for the sake of your soul...

My soul is just fine EB.

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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Now something like that picture above seems to be making fun of Jesus to me and you are okay with that. I'm not even religious and that offends me.

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Questions For KantuckyII and Kentucky Trojan

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:Now something like that picture above seems to be making fun of Jesus to me and you are okay with that. I'm not even religious and that offends me.
...hence the reason to pray for your soul...

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