She needs to go to jail, pass go..and be locked up for at least five years in my opinion. That's treasonous actions! Let her fight from in there!
Obama Supporting Poll Worker Voted Eight Times in Ohio
This isn’t really news, except that in this case she got caught. I have repeatedly heard Obama supporters talk about voting twice, few voted more than that, but twice is apparently the amount that you can vote without too much effort. How much of an impact did the double voters, the aid workers voting for the elderly and the mentally handicapped and the illegal alien voters have on swing states?
We’ll never know. What we do know is that unless the United States joins the civilized world in taking voter rights seriously by protecting the franchise and securing the vote, our elections will continue to take place under a cloud of illegitimacy.
Still poll worker Melowese Richardson who may have voted as much as 8 times is in a special category of her own.
Melowese is a typical part of the Dem Community Organizer establishment. She claims to head and serve on the board of numerous “citizen’s group including Citizens Against Loan Sharks and Communities United for Action.
This is the new democracy. One Democrat. Eight votes.
Melowese Richardson, a Madisonville resident, first learned of the allegations when approached by 9 On Your Side reporter Tom McKee Wednesday. Even though she admits to voting twice in the last election, she said the news came as surprise.
“I would think that something this important would come to me first and that I wouldn’t have to be enlightened about this through you,†said Richardson.
Two hearings will take place on Feb. 15 and Feb. 22 where those accused will have a chance to speak. Richardson’s case will be heard on Feb. 22 and she says it’s far from over.
“Absolutely. Absolutely, I’ll fight it for Mr. Obama and for Mr. Obama’s right to sit as president of the United States.â€
Richardson voted at the Madisonville Recreation Center where she worked as a paid worker on Election Day.
The board’s documents also state that Richardson was allegedly disruptive and hid things from other poll workers on Election Day after another female worker reported she was intimated by Richardson.
However, Richardson claims she was the one intimidated while doing her job.
During the investigation it was also discovered that her granddaughter, India Richardson, who was a first time voter in the 2012 election, cast two ballots in November.
Richardson admitted to sending one of her granddaughter’s ballots in the mail.
Another claim is absentee ballots for Montez Richardson, Joseph Jones and Markus Barron all came from Richardson’s Whetsel Avenue address were received by the board the same time as Richardson’s and the handwriting on all four of them was similar.