Varsity Wrestling Schedules

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Varsity Wrestling Schedules

Post by tric118 »

Varsity Wrestling Schedules
Nelsonville-York Varsity Schedule
Wrestling 2014-2015
December 10th Wednesday Athens/Morgan Tri
December 13th Saturday @ Olentangy Liberty Tournament
December 17th Wednesday Belpre, Gallipolis and Logan SEOAL vs TVC Qaud
December 29th/30th Monday/Tuesday @ Brecksville Holliday Tournament
January 10th Saturday Nelsonville-York Buckeye Tournament
January 16th/17th Fri/Saturday @ Marion County Tournament
January 24th Saturday @ Deno Athens High School
January 28th Wednesday Regional Quarter finals Ohio Duals TBD
January 31st Saturday @ New Lexington tournament
February 4th Wednesday Regional Semi Finals Ohio Duals TBD
February 7th Saturday @ New Lexington Tri
February 14th Saturday State Dual Meet Finals or @ Parkersburg South
February 21st Saturday @ Athens TVC Meet
February 27th/28th Fri/Saturday @ Sectionals @ Alexander
March 6th/7th Fri/Saturday @ Districts @
March 12th/13th/14th Thur./Fri./ Saturday @ State Meet Schottenstein

Riding the Bench
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Re: Varsity Wrestling Schedules

Post by pf26 »

Logan Schedule

12/11 Fairfield Union / Wellston Tri
12/13 Logan Invite
12/17 Quad @ Nelsonville
12/20 New Albany Invite
1/2-1/3 Tri Valley Duals
1/6 SEOAL Tri @ Warren
1/10 Sheridan Invite
1/14 SEOAL Tri @ Jackson
1/15 Athens / Trimble Tri
1/28 OHSAA Duals Quarterfinals
1/31 Watkins Memorial Invite
2/7 Central Crossing Invite
2/14 All-North Tourney Dublin Jerome
2/ 28 Sectional @ TBD
3/6 -3/7 District @ Hilliard Darby
3/12 - 3/14 State @ THE SCHOTT

All State
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Re: Varsity Wrestling Schedules

Post by wch125 »

Washington CH Schedule

12-6- Franklin Invite
12-18 TRI Chillicothe/McClain
12-20 Washington CH Duals
12-28 Wheeling Park Duals
12-29 Wheeling Park Duals
1-8 tri East Clinton/ Wilmington
1-10 National duals Ft Wayne Indiana
1-14 Miami Trace dual
1-15 Marion Invite
1-16 Marion invite
1-22 Clinton Massie/ Hillsboro
1-28 State duals
2-4 State duals
2-7- SCOL @ Clinton Massie
2-14-Washington invite
2-21 state dual finals
2-27 sectionals home
2-28 sectionals home
3-6 dist
3-7 dist
3-12 state
3-13 state
3-14 state

punk rock rules
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Re: Varsity Wrestling Schedules

Post by punk rock rules »

Chesapeake High School
12-6 Failrand Inv
12-13 Vinton Co. Inv
12-27 Galia Academy Inv
1-10 Alexander Duals
1-17 Wahama (WV) Inv
1-23 Ashland (KY) Invivitational
2-7 Chesapeake Inv
2-14 Winfield (WV) Inv

Im still looking for some tri and quads that are relatively close if anyone is interested please call or text 304 412 1125

Riding the Bench
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Re: Varsity Wrestling Schedules

Post by pf26 »

A little update on Logan's schedule for some posters who seem to be uniformed. Yes the beginning of the schedule has no Brecksville, Medina, or GMV Holiday Tourn, but once January hits, Logan's schedule is definitely not "very weak"

Tournaments Logan will attend and teams that will be there

Tri Valley duals - Logan finishes first, no all-star programs, but some pretty solid teams (Logan, Akron Coventry, Utica, Barberton, Tri-valley, Granville, Norwayne)

Sheridan- Amanda Clearcreek, Sheridan, Licking Valley, Western Brown, Warren, Circleville, Newark, Fairfield Union, Johnstown, Logan

Watkins Memorial- Watkins, Big Walnut, Canal Winchester, Dublin Coffman, Grove City, Licking Valley, Logan, Marysville, Morgan, Reynoldsburg

Central Crossing- Central Crossing, Amanda Clearcreek, Butler, Franklin Heights, Groveport Madison, Hilliard Darby, Licking Heights, Logan, Logan Elm, Loudenville, Mifflin, Mount Vernon, Pickerington Central, Teays Valley, Walnut Ridge, Westerville North, Whestone, Worthington Kilbourne

All North @ Dublin Jerome- Dublin Jerome, Amanda Clearcreek, Dublin Scioto, Gahana Lincoln, Grove City, Hilliard Davidson, Logan, Mount Vernon, Northland, Olentangy Orange, Shadyside, Upper Arlington, Westerville Central, Westerville South, Westland

Logan hasn't scheduled many tournaments in the southeast because come February and March, we have to go through the DI Central District to get to the Schott. Without matches and wins against central district kids we get no respect in the Sectional seeding meeting regardless of what our records are. We do have a great group of Jrs and Freshman, maybe next year we'll make the jump to include a medina or Brecksville

All State
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Re: Varsity Wrestling Schedules

Post by tric118 »

PF26. I don't see where anybody says Logan wrestles a weak schedule. Your post is only one I read that. Logan does have a good group of young kids.

Riding the Bench
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Re: Varsity Wrestling Schedules

Post by pf26 »

Great work I would put Freshman Brady Garren Logan at 182 as a top 5 Garren finished 3rd Junior High state last year Logan don't wrestle much of a schedule but kid is tough, And Joey Boling 152 Is very tough top 5. Hammonds N-Y returning DQ at 120

I believe that was your post from another thread Tric

All State
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Re: Varsity Wrestling Schedules

Post by tric118 »

Oh got ya. That was based on what they had done to that point. They had not really wrestled anybody at that point and they had not ranked those kids. Due to the lack of results. However I know how good those kids are so I let him know. As for the rest of the schedule looks pretty good.

All State
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Re: Varsity Wrestling Schedules

Post by wch125 »

pf26 wrote:A little update on Logan's schedule for some posters who seem to be uniformed. Yes the beginning of the schedule has no Brecksville, Medina, or GMV Holiday Tourn, but once January hits, Logan's schedule is definitely not "very weak"

Tournaments Logan will attend and teams that will be there

Tri Valley duals - Logan finishes first, no all-star programs, but some pretty solid teams (Logan, Akron Coventry, Utica, Barberton, Tri-valley, Granville, Norwayne)

Sheridan- Amanda Clearcreek, Sheridan, Licking Valley, Western Brown, Warren, Circleville, Newark, Fairfield Union, Johnstown, Logan

Watkins Memorial- Watkins, Big Walnut, Canal Winchester, Dublin Coffman, Grove City, Licking Valley, Logan, Marysville, Morgan, Reynoldsburg

Central Crossing- Central Crossing, Amanda Clearcreek, Butler, Franklin Heights, Groveport Madison, Hilliard Darby, Licking Heights, Logan, Logan Elm, Loudenville, Mifflin, Mount Vernon, Pickerington Central, Teays Valley, Walnut Ridge, Westerville North, Whestone, Worthington Kilbourne

All North @ Dublin Jerome- Dublin Jerome, Amanda Clearcreek, Dublin Scioto, Gahana Lincoln, Grove City, Hilliard Davidson, Logan, Mount Vernon, Northland, Olentangy Orange, Shadyside, Upper Arlington, Westerville Central, Westerville South, Westland

Logan hasn't scheduled many tournaments in the southeast because come February and March, we have to go through the DI Central District to get to the Schott. Without matches and wins against central district kids we get no respect in the Sectional seeding meeting regardless of what our records are. We do have a great group of Jrs and Freshman, maybe next year we'll make the jump to include a medina or Brecksville

Thats a good schedule

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