The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

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The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by Dundas »

Some of you know that I was a proponent of expansion last spring, when Warren and Marietta petitioned the conference for membership. If you listened to the Viking Redzones expansion show, you already know my side of things. Ultimately nothing happened and we’re still in the same boat as before. A boat that I think at some point, needs patched. The TVC has two divisions with an odd number of teams in each. 7 in the Ohio division and 9 in the Hocking. This may not be a big deal to some, but eventually, it’s going to cause a problem. Actually, it has already. Vinton County was, more or less, forced to play Federal Hocking in their “open” week 7. The only other option, than to schedule a division 6 school who is trying to rebuild its program, was to travel a couple hours to a city to fill the slot. You see, it’s difficult to find late season non conference games. You’re either forced into playing a team you shouldn’t be playing, traveling across the state, or, eventually, just deciding it’s easier to take a “bye” week. Now, I know that in the few short years of oddness, the TVC has yet to have a team complete a 10 game schedule, but it WILL happen eventually. Teams are already at a disadvantage in terms of scheduling who they want late in the year. All because the TVC won’t let an old foe into the conference. Or keeping a team out because they’re too big. Even though the history books say that they would compete just fine in the TVC. I get that the TVC is “mostly” afraid of competition. I know that with the addition of Athens, things have been a little one sided. What was once the laughing stock of SEO has turned into one of the most feared. Things come and go. It’s a cycle. The timing of the whole thing was just that. Timing. I understand though, why schools would be skiddish on adding bigger programs. Ultimately, the TVC needs to even itself out. I think we can all agree that dropping the smallest Ohio school to the hocking is not the answer. Nelsonville-York already owns the Ohio. Same can be said for the biggest school in the Hocking. Moving them up wouldn’t work either. Belpre was once a part of the Ohio and the final few years in the bigger division didn’t go well for them. So in my opinion, the only thing to do is to add. 2 teams. You had the chance to add Warren and Marietta, and you bailed. Shamelessly. Again, I get it. But we still have a problem. Wheather we want to admit it or not. We need to be even. Now here comes the part where I say something that’s been said 1000 times before. Maybe not to this extent, or in depth though. The quick fix would be to add a big school and a small school. Presto. The TVC is fixed. Problem is, there’s no small school around here that you could add. We’ve already gobbled them all up because we aren’t afraid of them. So we’ve added every small school that fits, over the last few decades. Minus Athens, of course. Here’s where I get into the whole pitch about how I think I have the answer. Again, hear me out. I know what your thinking.

If you’ve listened to the Viking Redzone Report that Lugs and I do for VC and the TVC Ohio, you already know that I felt like the TVC was it’s greatest when it had 6 Ohio teams and 6 hocking teams. 5 non conference games to schedule up or down, depending on the strength of your program. You had the flexibility to schedule out of conference rivals or travel far and wide, if that was your prerogative. Key word. Flexibility. Something the TVC doesn’t have much of right now. Especially the hocking. Trying to fill late non conference games is a struggle. Driving 2 plus hours just to have 10 games, shouldn’t be the norm. So my proposition is this. A 3 division (I know, I know, I said it) SIX team format. Aaaaaand this is where most of you click away. Stick with me. Based off of (mostly) school size, I feel my format is just what the doctor ordered. Now, some may be asking, 6 times 3 is 18. We only have 16 schools?? This is where the TVC would have to sell their pitch. Just like I’m doing right now! So, without further ado. I give you the, “new” and improved TVC and all it’s divisions! Plus, something no one else has done, to my knowledge, when spewing out their opinions that carry no real weight. I have schedules! Enjoy, and please, don’t tear me down too hard.

TVC Ohio
Team/Div/Total enrollment
Alexander DV 210
Athens DIII 334
Gallia Acdmy DIV 238
Meigs DIV 213
Vinton Co DIV 252
Oak Hill DV 172

TVC Muskingum
Team/Div/Total enrollment
River Valley DV 203
Wellston DV 176
N-York DVI 147
Belpre DVI 125
Fed Hock DVI 119
Trimble DVII 105

TVC Hocking
Team/Div/Total enrollment
Eastern DVII 102
South Gallia DVII 91
Southern DVII 91
Miller DVII 82
Waterford DVII 78
Wahama DVII equivalent

There you have it. The format. Imo, about as close to perfect as you can get. 12 of the 16 current schools would need to vote yes for this to work. By my calculations, 11 would be better off, 3 would be “ehh” about the same and a couple would probably see more negatives than positives. I really feel like this is a pitch that “could” happen, given someone actually made a push for it. So, with that out of the way, here are your made up schedules, which include rivalry games, limited travel for non conference games AND, what Athens schedule SHOULD look like. Lol

* Signifies Conference game

TVC Ohio

Alexander Spartans
Week 1 Federal Hocking
Week 2 @Bern Union
Week 3 Wellston
Week 4 @River Valley
Week 5 @Miller
Week 6 *Athens
Week 7 *Vinton County
Week 8 *Meigs
Week 9 *@Oak Hill
Week 10 *@Gallia Academy

Athens Bulldogs
Week 1 Nelsonville-York
Week 2 @Jackson
Week 3 Logan
Week 4 @Warren
Week 5 Chillicothe
Week 6 *@Alexander
Week 7 *Oak Hill
Week 8 *@Vinton County
Week 9 Gallia Academy
Week 10 *@Meigs

Gallia Academy Blue Devils
Week 1 River Valley
Week 2 @Ironton
Week 3 Point Pleasant WV
Week 4 @Goal Grove
Week 5 Fairland
Week 6 *@Vinton County
Week 7 *@Meigs
Week 8 Oak Hill
Week 9 *@Athens
Week 10 *Alexander

Meigs Mauraders
Week 1 Fairland
Week 2 @Warren
Week 3 Coal Grove
Week 4 @Cheasapeak
Week 5 @Wellston
Week 6 *Oak Hill
Week 7 *Gallia Academy
Week 8 *@Alexander
Week 9 *@Vinton County
Week 10 *Athens

Vinton County
Week 1 @Wellston
Week 2 Southeastern
Week 3 @Unioto
Week 4 Minford
Week 5 @Warren
Week 6 *Gallia Academy
Week 7 *@Alexander
Week 8 *Athens
Week 9 *Meigs
Week 10 *@Oak Hill

Oak Hill Oaks
Week 1 Rock Hill
Week 2 @Wellston
Week 3 River Valley
Week 4 Eastern Pike
Week 5 Minford
Week 6 *@Meigs
Week 7 *@Athens
Week 8 *@Gallia Academy
Week 9 *Alexander
Week 10 *Vinton County

TVC Muskingum

Belpre Golden Eagles
Week 1 Warren
Week 2 @Southern
Week 3 Eastern
Week 4 Waterford
Week 5 @Fort Frye
Week 6 *@Trimble
Week 7 *Wellston
Week 8 *@River Valley
Week 9 *Nelsonville York
Week 10 *@Federal Hocking

Federal Hocking Lancers
Week 1 @Alexander
Week 2 Miller
Week 3 @Southern
Week 4 South Gallia
Week 5 @Eastern
Week 6 *Wellston
Week 7 *Nelsonville York
Week 8 *@Trimble
Week 9*@River Valley
Week 10 *Belpre

Nelsonville York Buckeyes
Week 1 @Athens
Week 2 Logan
Week 3 @New Lexington
Week 4 Fort Frye
Week 5 Jackson
Week 6 *@River Valley
Week 7 *@Federal Hocking
Week 8 *Wellston
Week 9 *@Belpre
Week 10 *Trimble

River Valley Raiders
Week 1 @Gallia Academy
Week 2 Eastern
Week 3 @Oak Hill
Week 4 Alexander
Week 5 @South Gallia
Week 6 *Nelsonville York
Week 7 *@Trimble
Week 8 *Belpre
Week 9 *Federal Hocking
Week 10 *@Wellston

Trimble Tomcats
Week 1 @Miller
Week 2 Waterford
Week 3 Morgan
Week 4 @Wahama
Week 5 @Caldwell
Week 6 *Belpre
Week 7 *River Valley
Week 8 *Federal Hocking
Week 9 *@Wellston
Week 10 *@Nelsonville York

Wellston Golden Rockets
Week 1 Vinton County
Week 2 Oak Hill
Week 3 @Alexander
Week 4 @Lucasville Valley
Week 5 Meigs
Week 6 *@Fedral Hocking
Week 7 *@Belpre
Week 8 *@Nelsonville York
Week 9 *Trimble
Week 10 *River Valley

TVC Hocking

Eastern Eagles
Week 1 Parkersburg Catholic
Week 2 @River Valley
Week 3 @Belpre
Week 4 @Symmes Valley
Week 5 Federal Hocking
Week 6 *South Gallia
Week 7 *@Wahama
Week 8 *Miller
Week 9 *@Waterford
Week 10 *Southern

Miller Falcons
Week 1 Trimble
Week 2 @Federal Hocking
Week 3 @Bishop Rosecrans
Week 4 @Bern Union
Week 5 Alexander
Week 6 *Waterford
Week 7 *@Southern
Week 8 *@Eastern
Week 9 *Wahama
Week 10 *South Gallia

Southern Tornadoes
Week 1 @Buffalo WV
Week 2 Belpre
Week 3 Federal Hocking
Week 4 @Parkersburg Catholic
Week 5 @Symmes Valley
Week 6 *Wahama
Week 7 *Miller
Week 8 *@Waterford
Week 9 *South Gallia
Week 10 *@Eastern

South Gallia
Week 1 Symmes Valley
Week 2 @Green
Week 3 Buffalo WV
Week 4 @Federal Hocking
Week 5 River Valley
Week 6 *@Eastern
Week 7 *Waterford
Week 8 *Wahama
Week 9 *@Southern
Week 10 *@Miller

Wahama White Falcons
Week 1 Ravenswood WV
Week 2 @Buffalo WV
Week 3 @Hannah WV
Week 4 Trimble
Week 5 Williamstown WV
Week 6 *@Southern
Week 7 *Eastern
Week 8 *@South Gallia
Week 9 *@Miller
Week 10 *Waterford

Waterford Wildcats
Week 1 Fort Frye
Week 2 @Trimble
Week 3 Frontier
Week 4 @Belpre
Week 5 Warren
Week 6 *@Miller
Week 7 *@South Gallia
Week 8 *Southern
Week 9 *Eastern
Week 10 *@Wahama

So there you have it. My answer to the “oddity” that is the TVC. Please, let me know what you think. After all, this is for your entertainment/enjoyment! Who knows, maybe one day, it will be your reality! Also, if anyone from the TVC is reading and is looking for a commissioner, pm me. 😁
Last edited by Dundas on Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:35 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by JustusLeague »

Viking Redzone Report - never heard of it. Unless this is the one that said NY would be at the bottom of the TVC last year LOL

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by Dundas »

JustusLeague wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:36 am Viking Redzone Report - never heard of it. Unless this is the one that said NY would be at the bottom of the TVC last year LOL
Lol Nope, wasn’t us. We had Alex in last.

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by JustusLeague »

Dundas wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:41 am
JustusLeague wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:36 am Viking Redzone Report - never heard of it. Unless this is the one that said NY would be at the bottom of the TVC last year LOL
Lol Nope, wasn’t us. We had Alex in last.
Ok, near the bottom? One of those VC radio shows or newspapers etc said it, no? HA

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by Dundas »

JustusLeague wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:47 am
Dundas wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:41 am
JustusLeague wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:36 am Viking Redzone Report - never heard of it. Unless this is the one that said NY would be at the bottom of the TVC last year LOL
Lol Nope, wasn’t us. We had Alex in last.
Ok, near the bottom? One of those VC radio shows or newspapers etc said it, no? HA
Maybe, but this post has nothing to do with predictions about he 2017 season. So I’m not sure where your going with that. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the “article”.

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by OSU22 »

I'm sure many feel this way, me included. I would LOVE to see the TVC split to three divisions. I just don't see it happening unfortunately :roll:

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by JustusLeague »

Dundas wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:51 am
JustusLeague wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:47 am
Dundas wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:41 am

Lol Nope, wasn’t us. We had Alex in last.
Ok, near the bottom? One of those VC radio shows or newspapers etc said it, no? HA
Maybe, but this post has nothing to do with predictions about he 2017 season. So I’m not sure where your going with that. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the “article”.
Your arguments are trash :)

Hope them vikings have a great year, I'm sure they will be atleast ahead of alex. Go Bulldogs.

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by JustusLeague »

OSU22 wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:52 am I'm sure many feel this way, me included. I would LOVE to see the TVC split to three divisions. I just don't see it happening unfortunately :roll:
who in the hell wants to travel to Gallia anyhow, RV was a HUGE mistake so lets not make anymore.

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by Dundas »

JustusLeague wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:53 am
Dundas wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:51 am
JustusLeague wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:47 am

Ok, near the bottom? One of those VC radio shows or newspapers etc said it, no? HA
Maybe, but this post has nothing to do with predictions about he 2017 season. So I’m not sure where your going with that. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the “article”.
Your arguments are trash :)

Hope them vikings have a great year, I'm sure they will be atleast ahead of alex. Go Bulldogs.
You’re entitled to your opinion. Although if you listened to the entire season, we gave NY kids a lot of coverage and credit. As well as the rest of the TVC Ohio. We also give a scholarship to one Viking every spring. Granted we can’t make everyone happy, but I think we do a lot of good for the kids in the TVC Ohio.

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by Dundas »

OSU22 wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:52 am I'm sure many feel this way, me included. I would LOVE to see the TVC split to three divisions. I just don't see it happening unfortunately :roll:

I don’t disagree with you. I just felt the need to get it out there. Someone has to give justiceLeague something to complain about. Lol

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by OSU22 »

Dundas wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:58 am
JustusLeague wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:53 am
Dundas wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:51 am

Maybe, but this post has nothing to do with predictions about he 2017 season. So I’m not sure where your going with that. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the “article”.
Your arguments are trash :)

Hope them vikings have a great year, I'm sure they will be atleast ahead of alex. Go Bulldogs.
You’re entitled to your opinion. Although if you listened to the entire season, we gave NY kids a lot of coverage and credit. As well as the rest of the TVC Ohio. We also give a scholarship to one Viking every spring. Granted we can’t make everyone happy, but I think we do a lot of good for the kids in the TVC Ohio.
There's always one or two people that you just CAN'T make happy. I think you guys do a good job. Love the scholarship thing. That's great! Shows that it's more than just about a sport. Keep it up!

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by Dundas »

OSU22 wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:02 am
Dundas wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:58 am
JustusLeague wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:53 am

Your arguments are trash :)

Hope them vikings have a great year, I'm sure they will be atleast ahead of alex. Go Bulldogs.
You’re entitled to your opinion. Although if you listened to the entire season, we gave NY kids a lot of coverage and credit. As well as the rest of the TVC Ohio. We also give a scholarship to one Viking every spring. Granted we can’t make everyone happy, but I think we do a lot of good for the kids in the TVC Ohio.
There's always one or two people that you just CAN'T make happy. I think you guys do a good job. Love the scholarship thing. That's great! Shows that it's more than just about a sport. Keep it up!
Thanks! That’s means a lot. We donate 100% of our time and effort into getting kids from all over the TVC, not just VC, exposure and we use our sponsors to raise money for our VC scolarship. We are definitely for the student athletes of SEO!

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by lugs »

I believe in our pickems we said Nelsonville would lose 4 of first 5 for last season. that wasn't because we thought they sucked but because we felt the schedule was extremely tough. we had them losing to only Athens last season and finishing second in the tvc as far as conference went. Props to them for achieving what they did though. I believe besides that we nailed the whole conference from top to bottom. that's not so bad.

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by RVRaiderFan »

Very nice! I'm just in awe of you breaking it down all the way to scheduling! Nice job!

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by Dundas »

RVRaiderFan wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:08 am Very nice! I'm just in awe of you breaking it down all the way to scheduling! Nice job!
I did it just for you! 😁😁

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by JustusLeague »

OSU22 wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:02 am
Dundas wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:58 am
JustusLeague wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:53 am

Your arguments are trash :)

Hope them vikings have a great year, I'm sure they will be atleast ahead of alex. Go Bulldogs.
You’re entitled to your opinion. Although if you listened to the entire season, we gave NY kids a lot of coverage and credit. As well as the rest of the TVC Ohio. We also give a scholarship to one Viking every spring. Granted we can’t make everyone happy, but I think we do a lot of good for the kids in the TVC Ohio.
There's always one or two people that you just CAN'T make happy. I think you guys do a good job. Love the scholarship thing. That's great! Shows that it's more than just about a sport. Keep it up!
true - one, two, hundreds, what's the difference.

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by Dundas »

JustusLeague wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:15 am
OSU22 wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:02 am
Dundas wrote: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:58 am

You’re entitled to your opinion. Although if you listened to the entire season, we gave NY kids a lot of coverage and credit. As well as the rest of the TVC Ohio. We also give a scholarship to one Viking every spring. Granted we can’t make everyone happy, but I think we do a lot of good for the kids in the TVC Ohio.
There's always one or two people that you just CAN'T make happy. I think you guys do a good job. Love the scholarship thing. That's great! Shows that it's more than just about a sport. Keep it up!
true - one, two, hundreds, what's the difference.
Haha. I wish hundreds listened to the show!! That would be awesome! 😁

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by Jason Vorhees »

Here's an idea: add Oak Hill to the TVC-Ohio and Point Pleasant. However, with Point, add every sport except football. Travel time for a lot of the TVC Ohio schools would have a straight shot down 33 to Mason and then to Point. As far as I can tell, it would be no more than an hour's drive for most of the conference schools. I am saying not to add their football because of how they treat other programs in football. The rest of the sports would be right on par with the rest of the TVC-Ohio. Oak Hill is definitely wishful thinking.

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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by tomcat fan »

I'd love to see this happen

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Abe Froman
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Re: The TVC’s biggest issue, and solution..

Post by Abe Froman »

I don't really see Oak Hill in your proposed TVC Ohio division.

However, Warren on the other hand I can see.

Curious as to why you would choose Oak Hill over Warren.

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