The Nelsonville-York Lady Buckeyes have made a lot of strudes the last 2 years and I think they will be able to compete with every team they play this year.
The last 2 seasons, they have improved on all the little things and I think it will pay off with several wins this year. I am very excited for Coach McLain and his lady Buckeyes!
Championship's are won in the off-season
Nelsonville-York (1)-(10) Alexander River Valley (0)-(4) Wellston Alexander (7)-(6) Athens Wellston (17)-(2) Nelsonville-York Athens (7)-(11) Vinton County
Alexander (1)-(7) Wellston River Valley (6)-(14) Meigs Meigs (5)-(8) Athens Vinton County (4)-(5) Alexander Nelsonville-York (2)-(14) River Valley
Athens (3)-(4) River Valley Wellston (2)-(4) Meigs Vinton County (12)-(1) Nelsonville-York Wellston (2)-(0) Vinton County Nelsonville-York (0)-(10) Athens
Alexander (5)-(8) Meigs Athens (2)-(20) Wellston River Valley (2)-(18) Alexander Meigs (6)-(1) Nelsonville-York Alexander (9)-(2) Nelsonville-York
Meigs (2)-(4) Vinton County Wellston (10)-(3) River Valley Athens (3)-(18) Alexander Nelsonville-York (2)-(15) Wellston River Valley (4)-(0) Vinton County
Vinton County (3)-(1) Athens Wellston (7)-(6) Alexander Meigs (5)-(6) River Valley Athens (12)-(2) Meigs Alexander (6)-(2) Vinton County
River Valley (16)-(0) Nelsonville-York River Valley (3)-(5) Athens Meigs (1)-(6) Wellston Nelsonville-York (3)-(13) Vinton County Athens - Nelsonville-York
Meigs - Alexander Vinton County - Wellston Alexander - River Valley Nelsonville-York - Meigs Wellston - Athens
Vinton County - River Valley
"you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretzky"
Nelsonville-York (1)-(10) Alexander Alexander (7)-(6) Athens Wellston (17)-(2) Nelsonville-York Athens (7)-(11) Vinton County Alexander (1)-(7) Wellston
River Valley (6)-(14) Meigs Meigs (5)-(8) Athens Vinton County (4)-(5) Alexander Nelsonville-York (2)-(14) River Valley Athens (3)-(4) River Valley
Wellston (2)-(4) Meigs Vinton County (12)-(1) Nelsonville-York Wellston (2)-(0) Vinton County Nelsonville-York (0)-(10) Athens Alexander (5)-(8) Meigs
Athens (2)-(20) Wellston River Valley (2)-(18) Alexander Meigs (6)-(1) Nelsonville-York Alexander (9)-(2) Nelsonville-York Meigs (2)-(4) Vinton County
Wellston (10)-(3) River Valley Athens (3)-(18) Alexander Nelsonville-York (2)-(15) Wellston River Valley (4)-(0) Vinton County Vinton County (3)-(1) Athens
Wellston (7)-(6) Alexander Meigs (5)-(6) River Valley Athens (12)-(2) Meigs Alexander (6)-(2) Vinton County River Valley (16)-(0) Nelsonville-York
River Valley (3)-(5) Athens Meigs (1)-(6) Wellston Nelsonville-York (3)-(13) Vinton County Alexander (7)-(1) River Valley Nelsonville-York (0)-(15) Meigs
Wellston (5)-(2) Athens Athens (18)-(3) Nelsonville-York Vinton County (0)-(10) Meigs Vinton County (5)-(4) River Valley Wellston (4)-(0) River Valley
Wellston (17)-(2) Nelsonville-York Meigs (5)-(2) Alexander Vinton County - Wellston
"you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretzky"