Thank you ! - pfloyd

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Thank you ! - pfloyd

Post by pfloyd »

I've been doing what I do on SEOPs since 2006 - ranking all of the teams in the SE District with Pfloyd's Elite 8 (plus the remaining 63-64 teams) ... before I moved to SEOPs, I did the same on the jjhuddle site ... in ALL of those years THE HARDEST group of schools for me to get information on were the teams in the (at the time) SHL (Southern Hills League) now the SHAC (Southern Hills Athletic Conference) - those teams west of Rte 23 ... it has always been hard to get scores, schedules, getting to know teams/players/coaches was next to impossible ... I would read newspapers - Highland County Press coverage - Stephen Forsha the sports editor there has always done a great job of covering the SHAC teams ... living in the Hocking Hills it is a long drive to get to schools west of Rte 23 - it's 2 hour drives one way ... it was wait until teams got to district play at the Convo in Athens in post season play before I could get eyes on SHAC teams ... long story short - this season that has changed! ... with the online streaming services - some pay per view others like SOSA (Southern Ohio Sports Authority) and the Goodguysradiotv - they livestream games for FREE ! - getting sponsorships from local businesses to pay expenses and provide us the games ... this preseason the GoodGuys RadioTV has started a basketball series "Basketball :30" - the host interviewed (about 1 hr each) ALL of the SHAC head coaches (both boys & girls) as well as the seniors on each team - outstanding! - we the viewers got an opportunity to "get to know" the coaches and players ... extremely informative ... this past weekend the SHAC held the annual preseason Boys/Girls Preview, this one hosted at Peebles HS (2 qtrs per matchup which was determined by the coaches ranking the teams as to how they felt they would finish in the each division of the SHAC - big and small division - with 1 playing 1, 2 playing 2 etc.) ... when I watched the broadcast live - I knew players names, knew a little about each player ... on the broadcast they posted the rosters - then did the game broadcasts - excellent job gentlemen ...

Just wanted to publicly thank the GoodGuysRadioTV - due to their efforts I feel like I know The SHAC or at least have a greater knowledge of the teams, players, coaches in the SHAC ... I encourage all of you to go to archives and give it ALL a watch/listen as they archive all of their broadcasts and the new series Basketball :30 - pfloyd
Last edited by pfloyd on Tue Nov 26, 2024 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Thank you ! GoodGuys RadioTV - pfloyd

Post by Ironman92 »

I watched a girls game tonight. Goodguys radioTV is a great stream and they are the nicest announcers. They did a 72-16 game tonight and not a negative tone at any point

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